

Preliminary study on the application of digital medical supervision principle in software as a medical device in China


新兴技术的发展,推动数字疗法逐渐流行,软件已成为医疗产品的重要组成部分.根据国际医疗器械监管机构论坛的定义,SaMD(software as a medical device)是指"具有一个或多个医疗用途,且无需医疗器械硬件即可完成预期用途的软件",但由于国内外尚无对其完整全面的评估与监管体系,其监管问题亟须加强监管研究.本文通过介绍SaMD相关概念及政策、人工智能背景下SaMD面临的监管挑战、我国和WHO对数字医疗的管理原则等情况,使读者获悉为加强SaMD审评与监管的思路,以期对完善我国SaMD监管原则提供启示.

The development of emerging technologies has promoted the popularity of digital therapy,and software has become an important part of medical products.The International Medical Device Regulators Forum(IMDRF)defines'soft-ware as a medical device(SaMD)'as software intended to be used for one or more medical purposes that perform these pur-poses without being part of a hardware medical device.However,due to the lack of a complete and comprehensive evaluation and supervision system at home and abroad,it is urgent to strengthen supervision research on its supervision.This paper in-troduced the related concepts and policies of SaMD,the regulatory challenges faced by SaMD under the background of artifi-cial intelligence,and the management principles of digital medical care in China and WHO,so as to inform readers of the i-deas for strengthening the review and supervision of SaMD,with a view to providing enlightenment for improving the regula-tory principles of SaMD in China.


上海市药品和医疗器械不良反应监测中心,上海 200040



Digital healthRegulatory frameworkRegulatory principlesSoftware as a medical device

《药学研究》 2024 (004)

359-365,395 / 8

