

Japan's Promotion of the Anti-Economic Coercion Issue Against China:A Case Study on Japan's Release of Nuclear-Contaminated Water


近年来,随着大国博弈加剧和中日实力差距不断扩大,日本认为中国的经济崛起对其国家安全利益造成"威胁",并将使地区秩序朝向不利于日本的方向发展,需要通过与美国及其他"志同道合的国家"塑造新的规则、规范来限制中国.在此背景下,加快推进对华"反经济胁迫"议题成为日本规锁中国的新抓手.2023 年8 月,日本在强推核污染水排海遭到中国反制后,立刻利用"反经济胁迫"议题进行对抗,意欲向国内外展示该议题的"必要性"和"有效性",同时转嫁自身危机.然而,日本对于"反经济胁迫"议题的认知以及推动具有明显的工具主义和双重标准,实质上是为打压异己、维护以美国为核心的霸权秩序,背离了真正的多边主义.

Summary:In recent years,China's economic rise has been perceived by Japan as a threat to its national security interests as a result of an intensifying great power rivalry and a widening power gap between the two countries.Japan believes that this trend will result in the emergence of unfavorable regional orders.Conse-quently,Japan believes it is necessary to collaborate with the United States and other like-minded countries to formulate new rules and norms aimed at constraining China. Against this background,Japan has begun a new focus on addressing the issue of economic coercion a-gainst China.Three main strategies are identified in Japan's promotion of the anti-economic coercion issue.Firstly,multilateral coordination involves Japan in seeking alliances with like-minded countries to establish rules and norms that counter China's economic influence.Secondly,shaping public opinions aims to portray China's economic actions as coercive statecraft and to rally international support for Japan's stance.Thirdly,domestic capacity building encompasses its measures to enhance Japan's resilience against eco-nomic coercion and to prepare for potential economic conflicts. By the end of August 2023,following China's retaliatory measures against Japan's decision to dis-charge nuclear-contaminated water into the sea,Japan had immediately resorted to the confrontation through the anti-economic coercion issue.Rather than concentrating on its own crisis,it wanted to demon-strate both domestically and internationally the necessity and effectiveness of so-called anti-China's eco-nomic coercion. The study concludes by discussing the implications of Japan's anti-economic coercion strategy on Si-no-Japan relations and the international community.It suggests that Japan's narrative,while aimed at con-taining China,is characterized by double standards and instrumentalism,diverging from the principles of multilateralism.The need for a more nuanced understanding of economic security and cooperation is empha-sized,along with a call for a reevaluation of Japan's strategic approach in the context of the global econom-ic order.


上海国际问题研究院,上海 200233



economic securityeconomic coercionanti-economic coercionSino-Japan relations

《太平洋学报》 2024 (004)

30-43 / 14


