

A Research on the State's Obligation to Protect Investments in Submarine Cables and Pipelines



Having been the critical infrastructure in the fields of communication and energy transmission,the significance of submarine cables and pipelines has been widely recognized by the international communi-ty.Given that a substantial portion of submarine cables and pipelines are controlled by private investors,in-ternational investment law plays an irreplaceable role in protecting them.International legal instruments such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea provide an international legal basis for ensu-ring protection for investments.However,due to the cross-border nature of submarine cables and pipelines,as well as the inadequacy of legal regimes of governing them in both international and domestic laws,there is considerable uncertainty regarding the applicability of international investment agreements and the imple-mentation of specific investment treatment.States should emphasize the interactive relationship between in-ternational investment law and other legal rules of governing submarine cables and pipelines.Based on this,targeted legal frameworks should be designed within existing international investment agreements,interna-tional law,and national laws and regulations to effectively protect submarine cables and pipelines.


中国政法大学,北京 100091大连海事大学,辽宁 大连 116026



International Investment AgreementsUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the Seasub-marine cablessubmarine pipelinesextraterritorial jurisdiction

《太平洋学报》 2024 (004)

89-106 / 18


