

Geochemical Characteristics of Borehole Uranium Mineralization and Its Significance in Baokang Area,Southern Songliao Basin


松辽盆地是我国中-新生代陆相沉积盆地之一.文章以松辽盆地保康地区姚家组下段为主要研究目标层,采用地球化学和光谱学,针对赋矿砂岩中主量元素、微量元素、硫同位素和有机质特征进行分析研究,探讨了保康地区铀矿化特征和成矿前景.分析结果显示:保康地区矿化段具有脱Si,富Fe、Mn的特征,并且更加富集S和TOC;与铀相伴生的微量元素有Co、Ni、Mo、Cd、Re、Tl、Zr等,其中Mo、Cd、Re富集相对更加强烈,并且与铀具有显著的相关性;保康地区姚家组下段矿化样品δ34S值为-17.7 ‰~-2.7 ‰,低于非矿化样品,说明黄铁矿中硫的主要来源为有机物热解(TDS);光谱学特征显示,样品中的有机质成熟度相对较高,与腐殖酸有一定相似性,推测是由深部烃源岩层演化而来的.综合分析铀矿石地球化学特征和有机质特征,认为保康地区铀矿化特征符合渗出砂岩型铀成矿作用的特点.

Songliao Basin is one of the Middle Cenozoic continental sedimentary basins in China,this paper focuses on the study of the lower member Yaojia Formation in Baokang area of Songliao Basin as the primary target layer.Geochemical and spectroscopic analyses were conducted to investigate the characteristics of major elements,trace elements,sulfur isotopes,and organic matter in the host sandstones so as to explore the uranium mineralization characteristics and ore-forming prospects in Baokang area.The analysis results show that the samples from mineralized section in Baokang area are depleted in Si and enriched in Fe,Mn,especially S and TOC.Trace elements associated with uranium are Co,Ni,Mo,Cd,Re,Tl,Zr,while Mo,Cd,and Re are more intensely enriched and show significant correlation with uranium.The δ34S values of the mineralized samples from the lower member Yaojia Formation in Baokang area range from-17.7‰ to-2.7‰,lower than those of sterile samples,indicating that the main source of sulfur in pyrite is from the thermal decomposition of organic matter.Spectroscopic characteristics suggest that the organic matter in the samples has a relatively high maturity and shares some similarities with humic acid,suggesting its evolution from deep hydrocarbon source rocks.Combining the uranium ore characteristics in geochemistry and organic matter,it was concluded that uranium mineralization in Baokang area conformed to the features of leaching sandstone-type uranium mineralization.


核工业北京地质研究院,北京 100029



sandstone-type uranium depositgeochemistryLaser Raman spectroscopyinfrared spectroscopyBaokang area

《铀矿地质》 2024 (003)

377-393 / 17


