

Mapping of QTLs Associated with Rice Panicle Traits and Candidate Gene Analysis


水稻(Oryza sativa)穗部性状与产量直接相关,其相关基因的挖掘与功能解析对于保障国家粮食安全意义重大.以籼稻华占(HZ)和粳稻热研2号(Nekken2)及构建的120个重组自交系(RILs)为实验材料,测定了穗长、每穗粒数、结实率、柱头外露率及一次枝梗数等穗部性状.结合高密度分子遗传图谱进行QTL定位,结果共检测到31个QTLs,分别位于第1、2、3、4、5、6、10和11号染色体上,其中2个位点的LOD值分别高达5.45与5.28.通过分析筛选QTL区间内可能影响穗部性状的相关基因,并利用qRT-PCR进行基因表达检测,发现LOC_Os05g05490、LOC_Os05g06150、LOC_Os03g11700、LOC_Os03g12430、LOC_Os05g28720、LOC_Os05g30890、LOC_Os05g31740和LOC_Os02g17880在双亲间的表达水平差异显著.其中,前5个基因编码三角状五肽重复蛋白,而后3个基因编码糖基转移酶.研究挖掘到31个与穗部性状相关的QTLs,为进一步定位和克隆相关基因,从而选育高产水稻新品种奠定理论基础.

Rice panicle traits have a distinct effect on yield,and the exploration and research of related genes play a crucial role in ensuring national food security.In this study,we used the indica rice HZ,the japonica rice Nekken2 and 120 recombinant inbred lines population constructed from them as experimental materials to measure panicle length,grain number per panicle,seed-setting rate,stigma exsertion rate,number of primary branches and other panicle traits.We combined the high-density genetic map for QTL mapping,a total of 31 QTLs were detected on chromosome 1,2,3,4,5,6,10 and 11,among which 2 LOD values were as high as 5.45 and 5.28.By analyzing the candidate genes in the QTL interval,the related genes that may affect the panicle traits were screened out,and qRT-PCR was used for gene expres-sion analysis,which revealed that the expression levels of LOC_Os05g05490,LOC_Os05g06150,LOC_Os03g11700,LOC_Os03g12430,LOC_Os05g28720,LOC_Os05g30890,LOC_Os05g31740 and LOC_Os02g17880 were significantly different between the parents.Among these genes,the first five genes encode tripartite pentapeptide repeat proteins,while the latter three genes encode glycosyltransferases.This study identified 31 QTLs related to panicle traits,laying a theoretical basis for further localization and cloning of related genes and breeding new high-yield rice varieties.


浙江师范大学生命科学学院,金华 321004中国水稻研究所水稻生物育种全国重点实验室,杭州 310006


Oryza sativa(rice)panicle traitsQTL mappingcandidate geneshigh-yield

《植物学报》 2024 (002)

217-230 / 14


