

Research Progress in Controlling Material Tribological Properties by Laser Surface Texture Technology


表面织构是提高工程材料摩擦学性能有效的表面改性方法之一.近年来多种表面织构技术已被应用于提高材料表面减摩耐磨性能,而在众多表面织构化技术中,激光表面织构技术由于具有加工速度快、生产效率高、可控性好等优点而被广泛应用.综述了激光表面织构的最新进展及应用,讨论了目前激光表面织构技术存在的问题及解决方法,总结了 3 种不同加工原理下的激光处理方法存在的问题,包括形状参数难控制、精度较差及灵活性较低等,并介绍了液相辅助加工技术在激光表面织构技术中的应用,同时分析了不同工艺参数包括密度、形状及深度等对材料摩擦学性能的影响.综述了激光表面织构技术复合涂层技术的研究现状,其中激光表面织构与非金属或金属涂层复合,包括氧化石墨烯填充PTFE涂层复合激光表面织构、复合热丝化学气相沉积增强激光表面织构、复合电液雾化增强激光表面织构及复合激光熔覆技术增强激光表面织构.总结了激光表面织构技术结合不同润滑技术对材料摩擦学性能的影响.最后展望了激光表面织构在各个领域的未来发展方向.

As the two main problems in various engineering applications,friction and wear may lead to adverse consequences such as mechanical component failure,energy loss,noise,and vibration.Researchers have conducted extensive research on these two problems,and the regulation of tribological properties by preparing textures on the surface of materials has become an important aspect.At present,various surface strengthening technologies such as laser cladding,physical vapor deposition,and laser surface texturing have been used to improve the wear resistance of material surfaces,among which surface texture is one of the most effective surface modification methods to improve the tribological properties of engineering materials.In recent years,various surface texture technologies have been applied to improve the material surface friction and wear resistance.Among many surface texture technologies,laser surface texture technology is widely used due to its advantages such as fast processing speed,high production efficiency,and good controllability.The work aims to review the latest progress and applications of laser surface texture,discuss the problems and solutions of current laser surface texture technology,and summarize three different laser processing methods under different processing principles,including laser direct ablation processing technology,laser interference processing technology,and laser impact processing technology,including difficult control of shape parameters.The application of liquid assisted machining technology in laser surface texture technology was introduced to solve the problems of thermal effects and recast layers in the processing area,such as poor accuracy and low flexibility.At the same time,the effects of different process parameters,including density,shape,and depth,on the tribological properties of the material were analyzed.The research status of laser surface texture technology composite coating technology was reviewed.The laser surface texture was compounded with non-metal or metal coating,and the surface texture was compounded with non-metal coating,including graphite oxide filled PTFE coating composite laser surface texture,composite hot filament chemical vapor deposition enhanced laser surface texture,and polydopamine/polytetrafluoroethylene coating composite enhanced laser surface texture.The combination of surface texture and metal coating includes composite electrohydraulic atomization to enhance laser surface texture,composite DC Magnetron sputtering to enhance laser surface texture,and composite laser cladding technology to enhance laser surface texture.Finally,the future development direction of laser surface texture in various fields is prospected.For example,the combination of laser surface texture processing technology and bionics is a direction worthy of research.Through bionics on the appearance of various animals and plants in the natural world,the focus should be put on the most influential variables to optimize the design,and further improve the tribological performance of materials.Secondly,the combination of laser surface texture processing technology and coating technology,the development of multi-layer composite coatings and texture bonding technology,and the use of laser surface texture processing technology to enhance the bonding effect between material surfaces and coatings,fully leverage the advantages of laser surface texture processing technology.Finally,the modeling and simulation research of laser surface texture takes into account the micro effects of laser on the textured surface and establishes a comprehensive simulation standard to automatically achieve the integration of experimental modeling and simulation,and establish a technical standard for laser surface texture.


武汉材料保护研究所有限公司 特种表面保护材料及应用技术国家重点实验室,武汉 430030武汉材料保护研究所有限公司 特种表面保护材料及应用技术国家重点实验室,武汉 430030||湖北隆中实验室,湖北 襄阳 441000


laser processingsurface texturetribological propertiescoating compoundprocess parameters

《表面技术》 2024 (009)

85-101,157 / 18

国家自然科学基金(51975421);国家博士后基金(2022M711289) National Natural Science Foundation of China(51975420);National Postdoctoral Fund(2022M711289)

