

A Review of Partial Power DC-DC Converter Research


随着直流负载功率等级的提高,直流变换器面临着效率、功率密度、成本、散热等一系列问题.部分功率处理技术能够解决上述问题,让 DC-DC 只流过系统总功率的一小部分,而剩余的主要功率则通过前馈路径直接在源荷间传输.该文全面阐述部分功率处理技术的原理及分类,重点分析串联部分功率变换器的多种结构特性及优缺点,多维度总结归纳部分功率技术的能效分析方法,详细调研现有研究的实验样机情况,指出了部分功率直流变换器的未来研究方向和应用场景.

As the power level of DC loads increases,the power level of DC-DC converters,which serve as DC energy conversion devices,also increases.It poses complex challenges such as efficiency,power density,volume,and heat dissipation.Partial power processing(PPP)solves these issues by allowing only a small fraction of the total system power to flow through the DC-DC converters.Compared to traditional full power processing(FPP),this approach reduces component losses,as most system power is directly transferred between the source and load via a feedforward path with minimal line losses. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of domestic and international research,clarifying the classification and nomenclature of various forms of PPP implementation,including parallel-connected partial power converters(P-PPC)and series-connected partial power converters(S-PPC).It elaborates on the advantages and disadvantages of these different classes,especially analyzing the limitations of S-PPC,laying the groundwork for understanding and studying partial power converters.The focus then shifts to the S-PPC because of the multiple structures and complex classification. Next,the paper presents a detailed analysis of S-PPC structures based on the relationship between voltage and current,including co-ground and no-co-ground S-PPC.It also outlines general methods for evaluating converter performance,covering active power processing,nonactive power processing,multi-quadrant operation,and component stress factor.This paper exemplifies this evaluation through no-co-ground S-PPC.Multi-quadrant operation consists of bipolar voltage and bidirectional current,which is particularly advantageous in scenarios involving bidirectional energy flow and high-power applications.Meanwhile,multi-quadrant operation's principles,advantages,and disadvantages are emphasized,and the need for bidirectional DC-DC and bipolar DC-DC is identified. Furthermore,to grasp the current research progress of S-PPC,the paper summarizes the construction of experimental prototypes found in existing literature,including application scenarios,specific partial power structures and circuit topologies employed,working quadrants,switching frequencies,semiconductor materials,active power processing ratios,and efficiency.According to the prototypes,battery energy storage systems and PV generation are the most common scenarios for S-PPC applications.The advantages of multi-quadrant S-PPC performance can be confirmed from two dimensions:the partial power comparison between S-PPC and the traditional non-isolated full power converter under the same working conditions,and the comparison between the multi-quadrant and single-quadrant operations. Finally,the superior performance of multi-quadrant partial power converters is demonstrated according to efficiency,active power,nonactive power,component stress,and power destiny.However,it should also be noted that the connection method of the physical structure limits the applications of S-PPC.The paper forecasts future application scenarios for PPP,such as hydrogen production,new data center power supply,and electric vehicle V2G.It also points out future research directions for PPP,such as partial power converters based on resonant circuits and PPP safety protection schemes.


西安交通大学未来技术学院 西安 710049西安交通大学未来技术学院 西安 710049||西安交通大学电气工程学院 西安 710049西安交通大学电气工程学院 西安 710049



Partial power processingDC-DCnonactive powermulti-quadrant working

《电工技术学报》 2024 (010)

3021-3037 / 17

