

Character Analysis and Evaluation of Southern Spring Soybean Germplasm Resources in Guiyang Area


为深入了解南方大豆资源的特性,筛选鉴定具有优异特殊性状的种质,以 311 份来自四川、云南、南京种质资源库以及贵州本地的大豆种质资源为试验材料,在贵阳地区种植,鉴定不同大豆种质资源的特征特性、农艺性状及品质性状在贵阳地区的表现,并进行综合评价.结果表明:参试品种的特征特性呈现多样性.株高、底荚高度、主茎节数、有效节数、有效分枝数、百粒重、脂肪含量、蛋白质含量、单株粒重、生育期等 10 个性状平均变异系数为 21.06%,单株粒重的变异系数最大,达到39.54%,变异系最小的是蛋白质含量,仅有5.72%.参试品种的生育期为91~131 d,蛋白质含量为 13.80%~47.72%,脂肪含量为 14.19%~22.43%.百粒重在 13~19.9 g之间的种质最多,占比59.81%;单株粒重为2.48~25.44 g,不同资源之间单株粒重差异较大.聚类分析将 311 份资源分为 3 个类群,其中类群I脂肪含量、单株粒重较高,可以作为南方高油高产资源材料进行研究利用.综上,南方不同地区的大豆品种资源以贵阳地区为种植背景,表现出丰富的遗传多样性,在新品种选育时应根据育种目标选择具有相应性状特性的种质加以利用.

In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of soybean resources in southern China and screen and identify germplasm with excellent and special traits,311 soybean germplasm resources from Sichuan,Yunnan,Nanjing and Guizhou were used as experimental materials planted in Guiyang area,and the performance of characteristic traits,agronomic traits and quality traits of different soybean germplasm resources in Guiyang area was identified,and a comprehensive evaluation was carried out.The results showed that the characteristic traits of the tested varieties was diverse.The average coefficient of variation of traits of plant height,bottom pod height,main stem nodes number,effective nodes number,effective branches number,100-seed weight,fat content,protein content,seed weight per plant,and growth period was 21.06%,the variation coefficient of seeds weight per plant was the highest as 39.54%,and the protein content was the smallest(5.72%).The growth period of the tested varieties was 91-131 days,the protein content was 13.80%-47.72%,and the fat content was 14.19%-22.43%.The germplasms with 100-seed weight between 13-19.9 g was the most,accounting for 59.81%.The seed weight per plant was 2.48-25.44 g,and there was a large difference in seed weight per plant among different resources.Cluster analysis divided the 311 resources into three groups,among which group I had higher fat content and seed weight per plant,which could be used as high-oil and high-yield resources in southern China.In conclusion,the soybean varieties in different regions of southern China showed rich genetic diversity with Guiyang area as the planting background,and the germplasms with corresponding traits should be selected and used according to the breeding objectives of new varieties.


贵州省农业科学院 油料研究所,贵州 贵阳 550006


soybean germplasm resourcesGuiyang areatraitsanalysis and evaluation

《大豆科学》 2024 (003)

303-309 / 7


