

Organic Fertilizer Promoted High Yield of Fresh Soybean by Improving Aggregate Structure of Red Soil


为探究化肥配施有机肥条件下土壤团聚体与鲜食大豆产量的量化关系,本研究于2022 和2023 年在典型红壤坡耕地上设置不施肥(CK)、化肥(CF)、化肥配施有机肥(COF)等处理的田间小区试验,分析了不同处理的鲜食大豆产量性质、土壤团聚体组分及平均重量直径.结果表明:在所有处理中,COF处理的荚果数显著增加,2022 年分别比CK和CF处理增加了55.1%和36.5%,2023 年的增幅分别为53.98%和40.54%.COF处理的鲜食大豆带荚和不带荚籽粒鲜重也分别比CF处理提高了41.70%~40.65%和40.03%~41.78%.在所有处理中,COF处理的团聚体组分中>2.00 mm和0.25~2.00 mm的比例显著较高,而<0.053 mm的比例则显著较低.与CF相比,2022 和2023 年COF处理下>2mm的比例分别增加了101.95%和53.06%,但0.25~2 mm、0.053~0.25 mm和<0.053 mm的比例则与CF处理无显著差异.进一步计算发现,2022 和 2023 年COF处理的团聚体平均重量直径也比CF处理增加了25.95%和18.80%.结合线性拟合方程表明,当>2mm团聚体组分的比例增加1%,2022 和2023 年的带荚鲜重分别提高0.16 和0.19 t·hm-2,不带荚鲜重分别提高0.54 和0.67 t·hm-2;同时,团聚体平均重量直径增加 0.1 mm,带荚和不带荚的鲜重分别提高1.79~1.99 t·hm-2 和0.83~0.91 t·hm-2.因此,化肥配施有机肥是提升红壤坡耕地鲜食大豆产量的主要措施,且通过改善团聚体结构可以显著促进鲜食大豆增产.

The objective of this study was to explore the quantitative relationship between the soil aggregate and the fresh soybean yield under the condition of organic fertilizer application,a field plot experiment was conducted in 2022 and 2023 on typical slope farmland of red soil.There were three treatments which including no fertilizer(CK),chemical fertilizer(CF)and chemical fertilizer combined with organic fertilizer(COF).Then,the yield properties of fresh soybean,soil aggregate composition and average weight diameter among different treatments were analyzed.The results showed that:the pod number of fresh soybean in COF treatment was significantly higher than those in CK and CF treatments by 55.1%and 36.5%in 2022,respectively,they were increased by 53.98%and 40.54%in 2023.The grain weight of fresh soybean with pod and without pod in COF treatment was 41.70%-40.65%and 40.03%-41.78%higher than those in CF treatment,respectively.In all treatments,the proportion of>2 mm and 0.25-2 mm in COF treatment was significantly highest,while the proportion of<0.053 mm was significantly lowest.Compared with CF,the proportion of>2 mm under COF treatment increased by 101.95%and 53.06%both in 2022 and 2023,but the proportion of 0.25-2 mm,0.053-0.25 mm and<0.053 mm had no significant difference with CF treatment.Further calculation showed that the average weight diameter of aggregates in COF treatment was higher than CF treatment by 25.95%and 18.80%in 2022 and 2023.The linear fitting equation found that the fresh weight of seeds with pods increased by0.16 and0.19 t·hm-2 in2022 and2023,respectively,then,the fresh weight of seeds without pods increased by 0.54 and 0.67 t·hm-2,respectively,when the proportion of>2 mm aggregate components increased by 1%.Otherwise,the fresh weight with pods and without pods increased by 1.79-1.99 t·hm-2 and 0.83-0.91 t·hm-2,respectively,when the average weight diameter of aggregates increased by 0.1 mm.Therefore,chemical fertilizer combined with organic fertilizer could be as the main pattern to increase the yield of fresh soybean in slope farmland of red soil.It also suggested that the yield of fresh soybean could be significantly increased by improving the aggregate structure.


江西省农业科学院 蔬菜花卉研究所,江西 南昌 330200江西省红壤及种质资源研究所,江西 南昌 331717江西省农业技术推广中心,江西 南昌 330046铅山县农业技术推广服务中心,江西 铅山 334500


fresh soybeanred soilaggregatesorganic fertilizer

《大豆科学》 2024 (003)

310-316 / 7


