

Research on the Integration of Research and Operation of Power Marketing Business System Based on Middle-platform Service Components


当前电力营销业务已由单一的供电服务逐渐转变为碳交易、客户侧储能、多能供应、能效服务、分布式电源等综合能源服务,及时响应用户需求变得尤为重要.针对传统建设模式中存在的跨环节协作壁垒、业务需求响应不及时等问题,文章借鉴中台架构设计理念,首先提出一种公共共享服务研运一体化支撑平台(middle-platform service components,MSC),利用模型编排、服务编排、流程编排、界面编排进行微服务灵活实现及扩展;然后,结合架构资产统一管理以及 MSC 四编排引擎,基于多租户技术进行电力营销业务系统研运一体化建设;最后,通过在客户侧工单中心建设中的应用,证明该模式可为电力营销业务系统建设提供有效支撑.

At present,the power marketing business has gradually changed from a single power supply service to a comprehensive energy service such as carbon emission trading,customer side energy storage,multi energy supply,energy efficiency services,distributed power generation,timely response to user needs has become particularly important.In view of the problems such as cross link collaboration barriers and untimely response to business needs in the traditional construction mode,this paper first proposes proposes a middle-platform service components(MSC)integrated support platform for research and operation of public shared services based on the design concept of the middle platform architecture.It utilizes model orchestration,service orchestration,process orchestration,and interface orchestration to flexibly implement and expand microservices.Then,combined with unified management of architectural assets and MSC four orchestration engines,the integrated construction of power marketing business system research and operation is carried out based on multi tenant technology.Finally,through its application in the construction of customer side work order centers,it has been proven that this model can provide effective support for the construction of power marketing business systems.


北京中电普华信息技术有限公司,北京市 昌平区 102206国网安徽省电力有限公司,安徽省 合肥市 230022



power marketingmiddle platformmiddle-platform service componentsintegration of research and operation

《电力信息与通信技术》 2024 (005)

25-30 / 6


