

Effects of Different Sowing Dates on Soybean Varieties Quality in Different Maturity Groups


为明确不同播期对大豆品质的影响,本研究以东北地区不同熟期组(早、中、晚)的 20 个大豆品种为试材,探讨了不同播期(5 月13 日、5 月23 日、6 月2 日、6 月12 日和6 月22 日)条件下大豆蛋白质含量、脂肪含量、蛋脂总量等品质指标的变化规律.结果表明:整体而言,播期推迟在10d以内,对大豆品质影响较小,推迟10~20 d,对蛋白质含量的影响大于对脂肪含量影响,推迟20d以上,各项品质指标与第1 期差异达到显著或极显著水平,推迟40d时,蛋白质含量和脂肪含量均极显著下降,达到最低值.本研究进一步分析了不同熟期组大豆品质对播期推迟的响应.结果表明:大豆品质指标随播期推迟而变化的趋势与品种的生育日数(即熟期)密切相关,不同熟期组间存在较大差异,播期推迟越晚导致早熟组大豆平均蛋白质含量降低的幅度越大,第 3 期(6 月 2 日)及以后各期蛋白质含量较第1 期(5 月13 日)下降达到显著、极显著水平,中熟组和晚熟组大豆的蛋白质含量分别在6 月2 日和6 月12 日前,差异不显著;晚熟组大豆脂肪含量随播期推迟显著下降,且下降幅度逐渐扩大,早熟组和中熟组大豆的脂肪含量分别在6 月2 日和6 月12 日下降未达显著水平;不同熟期组的大豆蛋脂总量总体上随播期的推迟而下降,其下降趋势与蛋白质含量的变化规律基本一致,即早熟组大豆在晚播10d以上时,蛋脂总量显著下降,而中熟组、晚熟组大豆蛋脂总量分别在6 月12 日和6 月2 日播种,蛋脂总量相对稳定;不同熟期组大豆晚播30d以上时,各项品质指标均会出现严重下降.本研究为沈阳地区晚播大豆的品质预测提供重要参考依据.

To clarify the impact of different sowing dates on soybean quality,this study used 20 soybean varieties from different maturity groups(early,middle,and late)in Northeast China as experimental materials to explore the changes in quality indicators such as soybean protein content,fat content,and total protein+fat under different sowing dates(May 13,May 23,June 2,June 12,and June 22).The results showed that,overall,delaying the sowing date for less than 10 days had a relatively small impact on soybean quality.Delaying for 10-20 days had a greater impact on protein content than on fat content.Delaying for more than 20 days resulted in significant or extremely significant differences in various quality indicators compared to the first stage.When delaying for 40 days,both protein and fat content significantly decreased,reaching the lowest value.This study further analyzed the response of soybean quality in different maturity groups to delayed sowing date.The results showed that the trend of changes in soybean quality indicators with delayed sowing date was closely related to the number of growth days(i.e.maturity)of the variety.There were significant differences between different maturity groups.The later the sowing date was delayed,the greater the decrease in average protein content of the early maturing group of soybeans.The protein content of the third and subsequent periods decreased significantly compared to the first period(May 13).The protein content of the medium and late maturing groups of soybeans was not significant before June 2 and June 12,respectively;The fat content of late maturing group soybeans significantly decreased with the delay of sowing time,and the decrease gradually expanded.The fat content of early maturing group and medium maturing group soybeans did not reach a significant level on June 2 and June 12,respectively;The total amount of soybean egg fat in different maturity groups generally decreases with the delay of sowing time,and its downward trend is basically consistent with the change pattern of protein content.That is,the total amount of protein+fat in the early maturity group of soybeans significantly decreases when sown more than 10 days later,while the total amount of protein+fat in the middle and late maturity groups of soybeans is relatively stable when sown on June 12th and June 2nd,respectively;When different maturity groups of soybeans are sown late for more than 30 days,all quality indicators will show a serious decline.This study provides important reference for predicting the quality of late sown soybeans in Shenyang area.


辽宁省农业科学院 作物研究所,辽宁 沈阳 110161


sowing datesoybeanmaturity groupquality

《大豆科学》 2024 (003)

352-358 / 7


