

Investigation and Analysis of Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatric Outpatient of a Hospital from 2021 to 2022


目的:了解惠州市第一妇幼保健院儿科门诊超说明书用药情况,并分析对策.方法:随机抽取惠州市第一妇幼保健院2021年10月至2022年9月儿科门诊处方,依据药品说明书确定是否存在超说明书用药,对超说明书用药发生情况、超说明书用药类型、主要年龄段及药品种类进行汇总分析.结果:共抽取处方1 556张,包含用药医嘱4 154条,基于处方张数和医嘱条数计算出的超说明书用药发生率分别为36.70%(571/1 556)和43.98%(1 827/4 154).超说明书用药类型主要是超适应证(27.09%)、超剂量(22.06%)、超频次(19.27%).婴幼儿(29 d~3岁)超说明书用药发生率较高(>40%);超说明书用药发生率居前3位的药品种类为内分泌调节剂(59.86%)、呼吸系统用药(56.79%)、中成药(53.95%).结论:儿科门诊常见超说明书用药,应特别重视婴幼儿用药;医师应严格依照药品说明书开具处方,国家应制定相关政策规范超说明书用药行为,以保障儿童用药安全.

Objective:To investigate the status of off-label drug use in pediatric outpatient of Huizhou First Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital,and to analyze the countermeasures.Methods:Outpatient prescriptions in Huizhou First Maternal and Child Health Hospital from Oct.2021 to Sept.2022 were randomly selected,and off-label drug use was determined according to drug instructions.The incidence of off-label drug use,types of off-label drug use,children of different ages and drug categories of off-label drug use were summarized and analyzed.Results:A total of l,556 prescriptions were drawn,including 4,154 medication orders,and according to the number of prescriptions and medication orders,the incidence of off-label drug use was 36.70%(571/1,556)and 43.98%(1,827/4,154),respectively.The types of off-label drug use were mainly off-label indication(27.09%),off-label dosage(22.06%)and off-label frequency of administration(19.27%).The incidence of off-label drug use in infants and young children(from 29 d to 3 years old)was higher(>40%).Drugs with the highest incidence of off-label drug use were endocrine regulator(59.86%),respiratory medicines(56.79%)and Chinese patent medicines(53.95%).Conclusion:Off-label drug use in pediatric outpatient is relatively common.Special attention should be paid to the use of medicines for infants and young children.Clinicians are supposed to issue prescriptions in strict accordance with the drug instructions,and the state should formulate relevant policies to regulate the behavior of off-label drug use in order to guarantee the medication safety for children.


广东医科大学,广东湛江 524004惠州市第一妇幼保健院,广东惠州 516007



off-label drug usepediatricscountermeasuresmedication safety

《儿科药学杂志》 2024 (005)

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