

Isolation and Identification of a New Duck Adenovirus B2 with Insertion and Deletion Mutations


[目的]对一份疑似鸭腺病毒B2(Duck adenovirus B2,DAdV B2)感染的番鸭白肝病的病例进行确诊,并对分离株进行测序,为福建省DAdV B2流行病学研究提供参考.[方法]开展病料PCR检测,并进行病毒的分离鉴定、全基因二代测序,利用MegAlign和SnapGene软件对测序结果进行同源性及遗传进化分析,再进行动物回归试验,确定对雏番鸭的致病性.[结果]病料样本检测为DAdV B2阳性,并成功分离到一株DAdV B2毒株,命名为DAdV B2/BG48.该分离株感染鸡肝癌细胞(LMH)后细胞变大变圆、最后死亡崩解,形成特征性细胞病变;感染MDEF后细胞由长梭形变为圆形并聚集,细胞间出现空隙.测序结果表明,BG48基因组在pX基因区域中有 3bp的插入,在ORF19B基因区域有 33 bp的插入,在ORF64和ORF67基因区域的交界处有 42 bp的缺失,ORF67基因起始密码子往后第 133位碱基为G,没有突变为终止密码子,其他编码基因与CH-GD-12-2014、实验室之前鉴定的BG27和BG18无特征性差异.动物回归试验显示,2日龄的番鸭对DAdV B2分离株BG48易感,致病率为 50%,死亡率为 0,发病鸭可见与自然感染病鸭相似的临床症状和病理变化.[结论]成功从番鸭白肝病病例中分离鉴定 1株DAdV B2突变株BG48,BG48具有多位点插入和缺失特征,提示DAdV B2毒株容易突变,临床流行毒株复杂.本结果为DAdV B2的分子流行病学调查和遗传进化研究提供了参考.

[Objective]A previously unknown strain of duck adenovirus B2(DAdV B2)was isolated from a ducking of pale liver disease in Fujian and identified for epidemiological reference.[Methods]The virus associated with the disease was detected by PCR and isolated for identification by genome sequencing and a challenge test.[Result]The DAdV B2/BG48 virus infected LMH cells in the duck became swollen like a ballon,and eventually,died and disintegrated.The MDEF cells inoculated with the isolate changed from a spindle-shape to ball-like and clustered together with intercellular spaces in between.Distinctively,BG48 genome had a 3 bp insertion in the pX region,a 33 bp insertion in the ORF19B domain,and 42 bp deletion at the junction between ORF64 and ORF67.A G-base was found on the 133rd spot after the starting code of ORF67 and no truncated mutation in the terminal nor other codes compared with CH-GD-12-2014,or BG27 and BG18 previously identified.In a challenge test,BG48 induced a 50%morbidity and 0 mortality on 2-day-old Muscovy ducks with similar clinical symptoms and pathological changes between the artificially infected and the naturally diseased birds.[Conclusion]A novel DAdV B2 strain,BG48,from a Muscovy duck of pale liver disease was isolated and identified.The virus was uniquely characterized by multiple insertions and deletion mutations in the gene suggesting a potential of causing complex epidemic.


福建农林大学动物科学学院/福建省-尼泊尔畜禽重大疫病防控联合实验室,福建 福州 350002||福建省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,福建 福州 350013福建省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,福建 福州 350013||福建省畜禽疫病防治工程技术研究中心,福建 福州 350013福建农林大学动物科学学院/福建省-尼泊尔畜禽重大疫病防控联合实验室,福建 福州 350002



Pale liver diseaseduck adenovirus B2isolation and identificationInsertion and deletionORF67

《福建农业学报》 2024 (002)

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