

Optimize the Judicial Protection of the Law-based Business Environment from the Perspective of the Civil Code



The business environment of a region directly affects the investment confidence and development expectations of market entities,and determines the driving force,vitality and durability of regional economic development.The Civil Code is a basic and comprehensive law for adjusting the personal and property relations between equal entities.It is the most important legal norm for the production and operation of market entities and the people's courts to resolve commercial disputes and optimize the business environment under the rule of law.Taking L Court as an example,in view of the business environment assessment indicators directly related to the people's court,such as judicial efficiency,judicial fairness,judicial openness,litigation convenience,bankruptcy handling,etc.,empirical research data show that courts at all levels need to timely update judicial concepts,optimize dispute resolution procedures,closely focus on judicial quality and efficiency,strengthen digital empowerment,and deepen departmental docking.Continuously improve the ability and level of judicial protection of the business environment governed by the rule of law.


河北省廊坊市中级人民法院,河北廊坊 065000



business environmentThe Civil Codelegalizationadministration of justicepeople's court

《河北法学》 2024 (006)

165-187 / 23


