首页|期刊导航|光:科学与应用(英文版)|Nonlinear Rydberg exciton-polaritons in Cu2O microcavities

Nonlinear Rydberg exciton-polaritons in Cu2O microcavitiesOACSTPCD

Nonlinear Rydberg exciton-polaritons in Cu2O microcavities


Rydberg excitons(analogues of Rydberg atoms in condensed matter systems)are highly excited bound electron-hole states with large Bohr radii.The interaction between them as well as exciton coupling to light may lead to strong optical nonlinearity,with applications in sensing and quantum information processing.Here,we achieve strong effective photon-photon interactions(Kerr-like optical nonlinearity)via the Rydberg blockade phenomenon and the hybridisation of excitons and photons forming polaritons in a Cu2O-filled microresonator.Under pulsed resonant excitation polariton resonance frequencies are renormalised due to the reduction of the photon-exciton coupling with increasing exciton density.Theoretical analysis shows that the Rydberg blockade plays a major role in the experimentally observed scaling of the polariton nonlinearity coefficient as α n4.4±1.8 for principal quantum numbers up to n=7.Such high principal quantum numbers studied in a polariton system for the first time are essential for realisation of high Rydberg optical nonlinearities,which paves the way towards quantum optical applications and fundamental studies of strongly correlated photonic(polaritonic)states in a solid state system.

Maxim Makhonin;Julian Heckötter;Marc Assmann;Manfred Bayer;Alexander Tartakovskii;Maurice Skolnick;Oleksandr Kyriienko;Dmitry Krizhanovskii;Anthonin Delphan;Kok Wee Song;Paul Walker;Tommi Isoniemi;Peter Claronino;Konstantinos Orfanakis;Sai Kiran Rajendran;Hamid Ohadi

Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of Sheffield,Sheffield S37RH,UKFakultät Physik,TU Dortmund,August-Schmidt-Straße 4,44227 Dortmund,GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy,University of Exeter,Stocker Road,Exeter EX4 4PY,UKSUPA,School of Physics and Astronomy,University of St Andrews,St Andrews KY16 9SS,UK

《光:科学与应用(英文版)》 2024 (004)

619-627 / 9

We acknowledge UK EPSRC grants EPN026496/1,EP/S014403/1 and EP/S030751/1.OK and KWS acknowledge UK EPSRC grants EPN00171X/1 and EP/X017222/1,and NATO SPS project MYP.G5860.HO acknowledges The Leverhulme Trust(Agreement No.RPG-2022-188).

