

Numerical simulations of the formation and propagation of an n-decane/air rotating detonation wave


针对气液两相旋转爆轰波形成与传播问题,本文以液态正癸烷为燃料,采用欧拉-拉格朗日方法,通过三维数值模拟给出了两相旋转爆轰波的形成演变特点和自持传播机理.研究结果表明:在起爆阶段,通过调控初始燃料分布能够获得强度不同的爆轰波和压力波;在对撞阶段,爆轰波与压力波共发生 4 次对撞,由于缺乏燃料供给,压力波逐渐衰减并消失,爆轰波以单波模态传播;在稳定传播阶段,未燃燃料在三叉点处聚集形成未反应气流区并诱导产生局部爆炸.未反应气流区的周期性出现和局部爆炸是两相爆轰波自持传播的重要影响因素.

To investigate the formation and propagation of a gas-liquid two-phase rotating detonation wave,three-di-mensional numerical simulations were conducted to discuss the formation and evolution characteristics and self-sus-taining propagation mechanism of n-decane/air rotating detonation wave using the Euler-Lagrangian method.The results reveal that the detonation and pressure waves with different intensities can be obtained by adjusting the ini-tial fuel distribution during the ignition stage.In the collision stage,four collisions occurred between the detonation and pressure waves.Owing to the lack of fuel supply,the pressure wave gradually decayed and disappeared,and the detonation wave propagated in a single-wave mode.In the stable propagation stage,the unburned fuel accumu-lated at the contact triple point to form an unreacted gas flow region and a local explosion was induced.The period-ic occurrence of the unreacted gas flow region and local explosion are important factors affecting the self-sustained propagation of two-phase detonation waves.


哈尔滨工程大学 动力与能源工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001中国船舶集团有限公司第七〇三研究所,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150078


n-decanegas-liquid two-phaseregionrotating detonationmixingflow field characteristicsself-sustaining propagationunreacted gas flow regio

《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 2024 (004)

730-738 / 9


