

Effects of a Chinese herbal compound on nonspecific immu-nity,digestive enzyme activities,and extermination of the parasite Cryptocaryon irritans from Amphiprion frenatus


刺激隐核虫寄生感染引起的"白点病"不仅危害水族箱观赏鱼类,还会对水族馆大水体海水观赏鱼带来毁灭性打击,是海水观赏鱼养殖业危害最为严重的病害之一.本研究探讨了在基础饲料中添加不同剂量复方中草药"XCY-1"(苦参、地肤子、蛇床子、黄芪、甘草等按一定比例混合,超微粉碎后收集备用)对小丑鱼血清、肝脏中非特异性免疫指标和肠道消化酶活性指标变化及不同用药方式对防治刺激隐核虫病的效果.研究结果显示,投喂复方中草药"XCY-1"可使小丑鱼血清中溶菌酶(LZM)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP),肝脏中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)活性均呈现先升后降趋势,第 21 d各项非特异性免疫指标达到最高值,其中 20 g/kg剂量组效果最好,能显著提高小丑鱼的免疫能力;肠道中淀粉酶(AMS)、脂肪酶(LPS)和胰蛋白酶在各取样点活性均高于对照组,20 g/kg 剂量组在各取样点胰蛋白酶和AMS活性高于其他剂量组,20 g/kg 和 40 g/kg剂量组在各取样点LPS活性最高.复方中草药"XCY-1"药浴对刺激隐核虫幼虫的体外杀灭结果显示:4 h内,50 mg/L药物浓度即对刺激隐核虫幼虫具有一定的杀灭效果,400 mg/L药物浓度即可杀灭全部幼虫;当药物浓度达到 800 mg/L时,3 h内幼虫全部死亡.不同用药方式防治小丑鱼刺激隐核虫病:实验分为 4 组,A组 20 g/kg 剂量组,口服无药浴;B组20 g/kg剂量组,口服且同时按50 mg/L 进行药浴;C组20 g/kg剂量组,口服且同时按100 mg/L进行药浴;D组为对照组,仅投喂基础饲料.结果显示:实验第 6 d,A、B、C三个药物组与对照组的存活率分别为:51.1%、53.3%、57.7%、0,药物组存活率显著高于对照组(P<0.05);三个药物处理组每片鳃上仅有 0~2 个滋养体,对照组每片鳃上滋养体数量是用药组 65 倍.综上所述,饲料中添加复方中草药"XCY-1"可以提升小丑鱼血清、肝脏非特异性免疫指标和肠道消化酶活性,对刺激隐核虫病起到积极的预防和治疗效果.20 g/kg剂量组、投喂时间 14~21 d时效果最佳.该研究为开发无公害、环保型天然植物源杀虫药提供理论参考和技术支撑.

"White spot disease"caused by Cryptocaryon irritans is harmful to cultured ornamental fish in a tank and also to marine ornamental fish living in large aquaria.It is one of the most serious diseases in marine ornamental fish farming.This study explored the effects of adding different doses of the compound Chinese herbal medicine XCY-1 to the basic feed on changes in nonspecific immune indicators in the serum and liver as well as digestive enzyme activities in the intestine of Am-phiprion frenatus.We also investigated the effects of XCY-1 for treating cryptocarioniasis.The results showed that the activities of SOD,LZM,AKP,ACP,GSH-Px,CAT,and T-AOC of clownfish increased first and then decreased after feeding the com-pound Chinese herbal medicine XCY-1.The indices reached their highest values on day 21.The immune ability of clownfish improved significantly in the 20 g/kg dose group.The activities of AMS,LPS,and trypsin in the intestinal tract were signifi-cantly higher than those in the control group.The activities of trypsin and AMS in the intestinal tract increased significantly in the 20 g/kg dose group,and the activities of LPS in the intestinal tract increased significantly in the 20 and 40 g/kg dose groups.The 50 mg/L XCY-1 dose had a killing effect on Cryptocaryon irritans larvae within 4 h,and all larvae were killed by 400 mg/L XCY-1.All larvae in the 800 mg/L dose group died within 3 h.A therapeutic experiment was performed in which fish were assigned randomly to groups A-C and a control.Fish in group A were fed 20 g/kg XCY-1 in the feed.Fish in group B were fed 20 g/kg XCY-1 in the feed and dipped in a 50 mg/L XCY-1 bath.Fish in group C were fed 20 g/kg XCY-1 in the feed and dipped in a 100 mg/L XCY-1 bath.The results showed that the survival rates of groups A,B,and C and the control group were 51.1%,53.3%,57.7%,and 0 on day 6.Only 0-2 trophonts were observed on each gill in groups A,B,and C,whereas the number of trophonts in the control group increased significantly.In conclusion,20 g/kg of the compound Chinese herbal medi-cine XCY-1 fed for 14-21 days improved serum and liver nonspecific immune indices and intestinal digestive enzyme activities in Amphiprion frenatus,XCY-1 also had a positive preventive and therapeutic effect on cryptocarioniasis.


福建省水产研究所,福建 厦门 361013



Amphiprion frenatusCryptocaryon irritansChinese herbal compoundnonspecific immunitydigestive enzyme

《海洋科学》 2024 (002)

32-42 / 11

福建省属公益科研院所基本科研专项(2021R1013001);福建省海洋与渔业结构调整专项(2019HYJG08)[Basic Research Project of Fujian Provincial Public Research Institute,No.2021R1013001;Marine and Fishery Structural Adjustment Project of Fujian Province,No.2019HYJG08]

