

Research progress in the influence of ultraviolet radiation on fish and aquatic invertebrates



Global climate change poses a significant threat to the balance of the natural ecological environment.Among the various factors affecting ecosystem function,the increased exposure of solar ultraviolet radiation(UVR)is emerging as a serious global environmental concern.Solar UVR plays a pivotal role in the life processes of or-ganisms on Earth.However,excessive absorption of UVR by organisms can disrupt their physiological processes and homeostasis.Specifically,UVR has a damaging effect on DNA that induces a range of adverse biological ef-fects.This paper reviews recent research on the impact of UVR exposure on fish and aquatic invertebrates,summa-rizing the findings from three perspectives:the impact of UVR on different developmental stages,the response mechanisms of organisms to UVR,and the combined effects of UVR and other factors.Therefore,understanding the effects of UVR on fish and aquatic invertebrates can improve our understanding of its future role in aquatic ecosystems and provide a reference for studying the physiological response of marine organisms to environmental changes.


鲁东大学 农学院,山东 烟台 264025||烟台市牟平区渔业技术推广站,山东 烟台 261499鲁东大学 农学院,山东 烟台 264025烟台市海洋经济研究院,山东 烟台 264003



ultraviolet radiationUVAUVBfishaquatic invertebrates

《海洋科学》 2024 (002)

115-128 / 14

国家自然科学基金项目(41906088,42076088);山东省高等学校"青创科技计划"(2019KJF004);山东省现代农业产业技术体系项目贝类产业创新团队(SDAIT-14-03);山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2022QC233,ZR2023QC107);山东省重点研发计划(农业良种工程)项目(2022LZGC015);烟台市省级以上领军人才专项配套经费资助(202203);山东省泰山学者专项基金(tsqn201812094)[National Natural Science Foundation of China,Nos.41906088,42076088;Plan of Excellent Youth Innovation Team of Col-leges and Universities in Shandong Province,China,No.2019KJF004;Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System of Shandong Province,China,No.SDAIT-14-03;Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Prov-ince,Nos.ZR2022QC233,ZR2023QC107;Key Research and Develop-ment Program of Shandong,No.2022LZGC015;Special Supporting Funds for Leading Talents above Provincial Level in Yantai City,No.202203;the Special Funds for Taishan Scholars Project of Shandong Province,China,No.tsqn201812094]

