

Effect of Fineness of Ammonium Nitrate on Properties of Ammonium Amine Explosive


为研究硝酸铵细度对铵胺炸药性能的影响,以六亚甲基四胺作为可燃剂制备了一种胶状炸药—铵胺炸药;对多孔粒状硝酸铵进行破碎,分别过20、40、60、80目筛区分不同的细度,对混合各细度硝酸铵颗粒铵胺炸药基质的黏度、炸药的爆速和猛度进行了测试,对炸药进行了储存稳定性实验.结果表明,当硝酸铵细度由0~20目增至80目以上时,铵胺炸药基质的混合均匀性增加,基质的初始黏度由92828mPa·s增至148637mPa·s,基质黏度随着剪切时间增加而逐渐降低,铵胺炸药基质属于触变性流体;炸药的爆速由3 569m/s增至4316m/s,猛度由26.00mm增至30.50mm,能量释放更集中,对周围介质的的冲击力提升;分别储存2d和120d的铵胺炸药,爆速降幅均小于5%;说明硝酸铵细度的增加可以提高铵胺炸药的爆轰性能和储存稳定性.

In order to study the effect of the fineness of ammonium nitrate on the performance of ammonium amine explosive,a kind of colloidal explosive was preparated with hexamethylenetetramine as the combustible agent.The porous granular am-monium nitrate was broken,where the different fineness was distinguished through 20,40,60 and 80 mesh screens.The vis-cosity of the matrix of ammonium amine explosive mixed with different fineness of ammonium nitrate particles was tested,and the detonation speed and fervency of the explosive were tested as well as the storage stability of the explosive.The results show that when the fineness of ammonium nitrate increases from 0-20 mesh to more than 80 mesh,the mixing uniformity of the ammonium explosive matrix increases,and the initial viscosity of the matrix increases from 92828mPa·s to 148637mPa·s.The matrix viscosity gradually decreases with the increase of shear time.The detonation speed of the explosive increases from 3 569 m/s to 4 316 m/s,while the intensity is increased from 26.00mm to 30.50mm,which means the energy release is more concentrated,and the impact force on the surrounding medium is increased.For the ammonium explosive stored for 2d and 120d,respectively,the detonation velocity reduction is less than 5%.It shows that the increase of ammonium nitrate fineness can improve the detonation performance and storage stability of ammonium amine explosive.


安徽理工大学化工与爆破学院,安徽淮南 232001



explosion mechanicsfineness of ammonium nitrateammonium amine explosiveviscositydetonation velocityferocityindustry explosivehexamethylenetetramine

《火炸药学报》 2024 (004)

316-323 / 8


