

The Cultivation Path of Medical Students'Self-regulated Learning Ability Under the"1+1+1"Teaching Mode


自主学习能力是当代医学生终身学习必备的能力,也是现代高职教育的重要培养目标.然而目前高职院校医学生的自主学习能力有待进一步的培养与提升,在传统教学模式下主要面临以下问题:临床教育资源不足,自主学习环境欠缺;人才培养模式固化,自主学习能力培养缺失;学习目标不够明晰,学习动力相对不足."1 年理论教学+1年校企合作+1 年顶岗实习(1+1+1)"的新型的校企合作教学人才培养模式,是医学专业在国家"早临床、多临床、反复临床"要求下校企合作育人教学改革的新探索,可以通过以下路径培养高职生的自主学习能力:充分利用临床资源,构建良好学习氛围;引导职业生涯规划,明确自主学习目标;理论实践相互促进,引导改进学习策略;铸就高尚职业精神,坚定自主学习信念.

Self-regulated learning ability is an essential lifelong learning ability for contemporary medical students,and it is also an important training goal of modern vocational education.However,the current self-regulated learning ability of medical students in higher vocational colleges needs to be further cultivated and improved.Under the traditional teaching model,the following problems are mainly faced:insufficient clinical education resources and a lack of self-regulated learning environment;the talent cultivation model is fixed,and there is a lack of cultivation of self-regulated learning ability;the learning objectives are not clear enough,and the learning motivation is relatively insufficient.The new model of"1 year of theoretical teaching + 1 year of school enterprise cooperation + 1 year of on-the-job internship(1+1+1)"is a new exploration of the reform of school enterprise cooperation teaching in medical majors under the national requirements of"early clinical,multi clinical,and repeated clinical".It can cultivate the self-regulated learning ability of vocational college students through the following path:fully utilizing clinical resources and building a good learning atmosphere;guide career planning and clarify self-regulated learning goals;theoretical practice promotes each other and guides the improvement of learning strategies;to cultivate a noble professional spirit and strengthen the belief in self-directed learning.


河南护理职业学院科研处,河南 安阳 455001



self-regulated learning abilitymedical studentsteaching modelcooperation between college and enterprisesegmented teachingcultivation path

《继续医学教育》 2024 (004)

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