

Application of BIVPSs New Teaching Model in Standardized Training of Acute Critical Care Residents


目的 研究在急危重症住培中,引入虚拟情景化临床思维诊疗教学系统(body interact virtual patient simulations,BIVPSs)的意义,通过BIVPSs新型教学模式提升急诊住培医师的临床教学水平与意识,进而提升急诊住院医师规范化培训质量.方法 选取 2021 年 9 月至 2022 年 9 月纳入天津医科大学总医院急诊医学科接受住院医师规范化培训的128 名学员,采用随机抽签法分成试验组和对照组各 64 名,分别按照BIVPSs新型教学模式及普通教学模式进行教学,学期完成后,2 组进行规范化培训的住培医师同时进行理论考核、临床处理思维能力和操作考核,学员、同行专家评价通过大学教师教学效果评价问卷(student evaluation of educational quality,SEEQ)进行.结果 试验组理论考核成绩、临床处理思维能力和操作考核评价均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);学期结束后,学员、同行专家从学习价值与成就感、教学热情与组织清晰性、群体互动、人际交往、知识宽度和信息量、教学管理、功课量和难度等方面进行了评估,试验组评分均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001).结论 研究通过对住培学员考核与效果评价问卷评估BIVPSs新型教学模式对住培医师临床教学水平的培训效果,发现在急危重症规范化培训教学中通过使用BIVPSs可有效提高急诊住培医师的临床能力.

Objective To investigate the significance of body interact virtual patient simulations(BIVPSs)in the simulations of acute and critical patients.The new teaching model of BIVPSs is used to improve the clinical teaching level and awareness of emergency residents,and then improve the standardized training quality of emergency residents.Methods A total of 128 students enrolled in the department of emergency medicine of Tianjin Medical University General Hospital to receive standardized resident training from September 2021 to September 2022 were selected and divided into the experimental group and the control group by random drawing method with 64 students in each group.The students were taught according to the new BIVPSs teaching model and the general teaching model,respectively.The two groups of resident physicians who received standardized training were evaluated in theory,clinical processing and thinking ability and operation at the same time,and the students and peer experts were evaluated through the student evaluation of educational quality(SEEQ).Results The experimental group's theoretical assessment scores,clinical processing thinking ability and operational assessment were higher than those of the control group,with statistical significance(P<0.05).After the semester,the students and peer experts evaluated the learning value and achievement,teaching enthusiasm and organizational clarity,group interaction,interpersonal communication,knowledge breadth and information,teaching management,homework volume and difficulty,etc.The scores of the experimental group were all higher than those of the control group,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.001).Conclusion The study evaluated the training effect of BIVPSs new teaching model on the clinical teaching level of residential training doctors through the assessment and effect evaluation questionnaire of residential training students,and found that BIVPSs can effectively improve the clinical ability of emergency physicians during standardized training and teaching.


天津医科大学总医院急诊医学科,天津 300052



critical and emergency illnessbody interact virtual patient simulationsstandardized training for emergency residentsclinic ideation effect evaluationtheoretical tests grade

《继续医学教育》 2024 (004)

41-44 / 4


