

An in vitro study of the ability of three continuously rotating root canal files to prepare severely curved root ca-nals


目的:通过有/无操作经验者对树脂模拟重度弯曲根管进行根管预备,评价 3 种连续旋转系统的镍钛器械的根管预备能力.方法:将 30 个重度弯曲的树脂模拟根管随机分为A、B两组,A、B组再随机分为 3 组(n=5),A组由有根管预备操作经验者分别使用M3-L、ProTaper Next(PTN)、TruNatomy(TN)进行根管预备,B组由无根管预备操作经验者进行根管预备,采集根管预备时间、根尖推出碎屑悬浮液的吸光度(OD值)、根管偏移量评估器械根管预备成形能力.结果:PTN组根管预备时间最长(P<0.05),且无经验者使用PTN根管预备时间更长(P<0.05);3 种镍钛器械预备后均有根尖推出碎屑(P<0.05),M3-L根尖推出碎屑最少(A组:P=0.202,B组:P=0.635);TN中心定位能力最好,各观测水平均无明显根管偏移,距根尖孔 7~9 mm处M3-L偏移量大于TN和PTN(P<0.05).无经验者PTN组在根管中下段(距根尖孔 1~5 mm,7 mm)根管偏移量均明显大于有经验者(P<0.05).结论:M3-L在根管预备时长和根尖推出碎屑量上具备一定优势,TN有最好的根管定中心能力,有经验者使用PTN能达到更好的根管预备效果.

Objective:To evaluate the root canal preparation ability of three continuous rotary systems using nickel-titanium instruments on resin simulated root canals by experienced and inexperienced operators.Methods:Thirty severely curved resin simulated root canals were randomly divided into groups A and B,and each group was further randomly divided into three subgroups(n= 5).Group A was prepared by an experienced operator using M3-L,ProTaper Next(PTN),and TruNatomy(TN),while an inexperienced operator prepared group B.Root canal preparation time,optical density(OD)of sus-pension fluid of apically extruded debris,and canal transportation were assessed to evaluate the preparation ability of the in-struments.Results:PTN had the longest preparation time(P<0.05),and inexperienced operators using PTN took significant-ly longer(P<0.05).All three nickel-titanium instruments resulted in debris extrusion(P<0.05),with M3-L showing the least debris extrusion(group A:P=0.202,group B:P=0.635).TN demonstrated the best centering ability,with no canal transportation observed at any level.However,at 7~9 mm from the apex,M3-L showed significantly more transportation than TN and PTN(P<0.05).In the PTN group,the inexperienced operator had significantly more transportation in the middle and apical segment(1~5 mm,7 mm)compared to the experienced operator(P<0.05).Conclusion:M3-L showed advantages in preparation time and apically extruded debris,while TN demonstrated the best centering ability.Experienced operators a-chieved better root canal preparation results with PTN.


华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院口腔医学中心 湖北 武汉 430030||荆州市中心医院口腔医学中心 湖北 荆州 434020华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院口腔医学中心 湖北 武汉 430030



Nickel-titanium instrumentsContinuous rotary movementCurved root canalsRoot canal preparation

《临床口腔医学杂志》 2024 (005)

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