

Analysis of environmental effects of livestock and poultry breeding in Heilongjiang Province from the perspective of black land protection


为合理利用畜禽粪污资源,保护黑龙江省黑土地资源,优化农畜业生产布局,实现农牧业绿色发展,本研究基于2011-2020年统计数据及文献资料,测算了黑龙江省畜禽粪污排放情况,并据此分析黑龙江省畜禽粪污资源化利用潜力及畜禽养殖环境承载力.结果表明:从时间动态来看,2011-2020年,黑龙江省畜禽粪尿、粪尿养分、COD排放量均有小幅下降,降幅分别为3.68%、3.24%和5.82%;畜禽粪污的化肥替代潜力虽整体略有下降,但10年来均保持在35%以上,2020年化肥替代潜力已达到41.89%,具有较高的有机肥替代化肥潜力;黑龙江省畜禽粪污的能源潜力略有增长,但对煤炭的替代潜力呈下降趋势且替代作用并不显著,2020年畜禽粪污的沼气潜力为46.74 亿m3,折合为标准煤仅占标准煤消费量的2.90%,能源潜力有待进一步开发利用;黑龙江省畜禽粪尿、粪尿氮、粪尿磷的耕地负荷均未超载,无养殖环境风险,畜禽养殖环境容量的空间剩余呈上升趋势,剩余约2/3,以氮为基准计算,余量为13 006.13 万头猪当量,以磷为基准计算,余量为8 463.19 万头猪当量,具有较大养殖潜力.从空间分布来看,黑龙江省各地区畜禽粪污排放及资源化利用潜力存在明显差异,哈尔滨市、齐齐哈尔市、绥化市、大庆市以及佳木斯市等畜禽养殖集聚区的畜禽粪尿资源丰富,畜禽粪污的替代化肥潜力、能源潜力及畜禽养殖发展潜力较大.

To make rational use of livestock and poultry manure resources,protect black land resources,optimize the distribution of agricultural and livestock production,and achieve green development of agriculture and animal husbandry in Heilongjiang Province,based on statistical data from 2011 to 2020 and the literature,this study calculated the situation of livestock and poultry manure discharge,analyzed the potential for livestock and poultry manure resource utilization,and determined the environmental carrying capacity of livestock and poultry breeding in the province.The results showed that the emissions of livestock and poultry feces,feces and urine nutrients,and chemical oxygen demand in Heilongjiang Province decreased slightly,by 3.68%,3.24%,and 5.82%,respectively,from 2011 to 2020.Although the replacement rate of chemical fertilizer by livestock and poultry manure declined slightly through the past decade,it remained above 35%.The replacement rate of chemical fertilizer has reached 41.89%in 2020,indicating a high potential for replacing chemical fertilizer with organic fertilizer.The energy potential of livestock and poultry manure in Heilongjiang Province has increased slightly,but its potential for replacing coal has declined and the substitution effect is insignificant.In 2020,the potential biogas yield from livestock and poultry manure was 4.674 billion m3,which is equivalent to 2.90%of the consumption of standard coal.This energy potential needs to be developed further and utilized.The cultivated land load of livestock and poultry manure,manure nitrogen,and manure phosphorus in Heilongjiang Province is not overloaded.At present,there is no breeding risk to the environment,and the space surplus of the livestock and poultry breeding environmental capacity is increasing.Currently,it is about two-thirds of the remaining capacity,approximately 130.061 3 million pigs equivalent calculated on the basis of nitrogen and 84.631 9 million pigs equivalent calculated on the basis of phosphorus,which indicates great breeding potential.There are obvious spatial distribution differences in the potentials of livestock and poultry manure discharge and resource utilization in the various regions of Heilongjiang Province.Harbin,Qiqihar,Suihua,Daqing,and Jiamusi have abundant livestock and poultry manure resources in livestock and poultry breeding cluster areas,and the potentials of livestock and poultry manure to replace fertilizer,provide energy,and for livestock and poultry breeding development are large.


东北农业大学经济管理学院,哈尔滨 150030||东北农业大学现代农业发展研究中心,哈尔滨 150030东北农业大学经济管理学院,哈尔滨 150030东北农业大学公共管理与法学院,哈尔滨 150030中国农业科学院资源环境与可持续发展研究所,北京 100081



livestock and poultry manuretreatment and utilizationalternative fertilizer potentialenergy potentialenvironmental carrying capacityblack land protection

《农业资源与环境学报》 2024 (003)

592-605 / 14

国家自然科学基金项目(72203034,72103177);黑龙江省自然科学基金项目(LH2021G002) The National Natural Science Foundation of China(72203034,72103177);The Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province,China(LH2021G002)

