

Study on the effect of mushroom residue pre-decomposition and earthworms on improving soda saline-alkali soil


为实现高添加量菌糠与蚯蚓对苏打盐碱土的快速改良,本研究利用预腐解菌糠与蚯蚓对苏打盐碱土进行改良,探究了在苏打盐碱土中添加大量菌糠预腐解后再接种蚯蚓对蚯蚓的影响,以及二者共同作用对苏打盐碱土水稳性团聚体分布、盐碱化程度、土壤养分及有机碳和水溶性有机碳的影响.结果表明:将15%、20%、25%、30%的菌糠添加到苏打盐碱土中先进行预腐解再接种蚯蚓,可以显著增加蚯蚓的存活率和日增重倍数,使蚯蚓的存活率基本保持在90%以上.在苏打盐碱土中添加15%~30%的菌糠预腐解后再接种蚯蚓显著增加了>2 mm的水稳性团聚体数量,降低了土壤pH,提高了土壤电导率,增加了苏打盐碱土中的阳离子交换量(增加量为4.8~10.2 cmol·kg-1),降低了苏打盐碱土的碱化度(下降2.7~4.0个百分点),显著增加了土壤速效氮磷钾含量,显著提高了土壤有机碳含量、水溶性有机碳含量及芳香度,促进了类腐植酸物质的生成.研究表明,大量菌糠预腐解后再接种蚯蚓能够快速高效地改良苏打盐碱土.

This study uses a large amount of mushroom residue pre-decomposition,and earthworms to improve soda saline-alkali soil rapidly improve soda saline-alkali soil with high addition of mushroom residue and earthworms.It explores the effect of adding a large amount of mushroom residue pre-decomposition and then inoculating earthworms on earthworms in soda saline-alkali soil,as well as the effect of mushroom residue pre-decomposition and earthworms on the distribution of water-stable aggregates,salinization degree,soil nutrients,organic carbon,and water-soluble organic carbon changes in soda saline-alkali soil under the combined action of mushroom residue pre-decomposition and earthworms.The results showed that adding 15%,20%,25%,and 30%mushroom residue to soda saline-alkali soil for pre-decomposition before inoculation with earthworms can significantly increase the survival rate and daily weight gain of earthworms,resulting in a survival rate of over 90%.Adding 15%-30%mushroom residue for pre-decomposition in soda saline-alkali soil,followed by inoculation with earthworms,significantly increased the number of water stable aggregates>2 mm;Lowered soil pH and increased soil conductivity;Significantly increased the cation exchange capacity in soda saline-alkali soil,with an increase of 4.8-10.2 cmol·kg-1;The alkalinity of soda saline-alkali soil was reduced by 2.7-4.0 percentage points,respectively;Significantly increased the content of soil available nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium,significantly increased the content of soil organic carbon,water-soluble organic carbon,and aromaticity,and significantly promoted the generation of humic acid-like substances.Therefore,a large amount of mushroom residue pre-decomposition and earthworms can quickly and efficiently improve soda saline-alkali soil.


吉林农业大学资源与环境学院,长春 130118潍坊市安丘生态环境监控中心,山东 潍坊 262199



soda saline-alkali soilmushroom residuepre-decompositionearthwormsoil improvement

《农业资源与环境学报》 2024 (003)

614-622 / 9

吉林省科技发展计划项目(20230203013SF);吉林省教育厅科学技术研究规划项目(JJKH20220354KJ) The Program of Science and Technology Development Plan of Jilin Province(20230203013SF);Science and Technology Research Planning Project of Jilin Education Department(JJKH20220354KJ)

