

Ecosystem Health Assessment of Gansu Section of Yellow River Basin Based on DPSR Model


基于驱动力-压力-状态-响应(DPSR)模型和熵权-变异系数综合赋权法对 2010-2020 年黄河流域甘肃段57 个区(县)生态系统健康进行评价,分析各流域及各区(县)生态系统健康等级时空演变及障碍因子,有助于发现生态系统问题并提出合理的管理恢复策略.结果表明,2010-2020 年黄河流域甘肃段生态系统健康状况整体显著提升,2013-2016 年生态系统健康状况较差,2016 年后健康状况得到明显改善.黄河干流流域 1 健康程度较高且健康值变化幅度最大,洮河流域健康状况改善较大,其余流域健康程度低且健康值涨幅较小.在整体准则层层面,黄河流域甘肃段驱动力、压力指数波动增长,状态与响应指数持续上升,表明 2010-2020 年黄河流域甘肃段生态系统健康状况得到稳定改善.人口增长、人均水资源量、建设用地比例和工业固体废物综合利用率等是影响黄河流域甘肃段生态系统健康等级变化的主要因素.优化土地利用、促进人口均衡分布、推动水资源均衡分配以及加强生态环境保护与修复是促进黄河流域甘肃段绿色发展与生态屏障建设的有效措施.

This study conducted an evaluation of the ecosystem health of 57 districts or counties in the Gansu section of the Yellow River basin from 2010 to 2020 based on a driving force-pressure-state-response(DPSR)model and an entropy weigh-coefficient of variation weighting method.The temporal and spatial evolution of the ecosystem health levels and the e-cosystem threats in each district or county in the basin were analyzed,which helped identify ecosystem problems and pro-pose reasonable management and restoration strategies.The results show that the overall ecosystem health of the Gansu sec-tion of the Yellow River basin improved significantly from 2010 to 2020;more specifically,the general ecosystem health was poor from 2013 to 2016,and improved significantly after 2016.The ecosystem health of the main basin of the Yellow River,basin No.1,was the highest,and its change in health status was the largest.Moreover,the ecosystem health of the Taohe River basin also improved greatly,whereas the health of the other basins was low and only saw small improvements.At the overall level,the driving force and pressure indices of the Gansu section of the Yellow River basin fluctuated but mainly increased,and the state and response indices continued to rise,indicating that the ecosystem health and stability of the Gansu section of the Yellow River basin steadily improved from 2010 to 2020.Population growth,per capita water re-sources,the proportion of land used for construction,and the comprehensive utilization rate of industrial solid waste are the main factors affecting the changes in ecosystem health in the study area.Optimizing land use,promoting a more bal-anced distribution of the population and water resources,and strengthening environmental protection and restoration efforts are put forth as effective measures to promote green development and the construction of ecological barriers in the Gansu section of the Yellow River basin.


西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院,甘肃 兰州 730070



driving force-pressure-state-response modelecosystem healthentropy weight-coefficient of variation weigh-tingGansu section of Yellow River basin

《生态与农村环境学报》 2024 (005)

602-611 / 10


