

Preparation and Morphology Control of Polyolefin Elastomer(POE)Nanofibers by Island-in-the-Sea Spinning Method


文章采用海岛熔融纺丝法制备聚烯烃弹性体(POE)纳米纤维.通过热重分析确定了加工温度范围以避免材料热降解.通过改变醋酸丁酸纤维素(CAB)种类、POE/CAB的比例、加工温度和剪切速率,以优化POE纳米纤维的形貌.分析不同工艺参数下纳米纤维的形貌差异,包括平均直径和直径分布.结果表明:考虑CAB的热稳定性,整个加工过程温度应低于250℃,使用熔体流动速率接近POE的CAB-20可以获得直径为400 nm左右的POE纳米纤维.加工温度为235℃时,纤维形貌最佳,直径最小,分布最窄.加工温度为250℃时,POE纳米纤维形貌出现交联网状结构.双螺杆剪切速率越接近400 s-1,制备的POE纳米纤维形貌越好,直径越小,且分布越集中.POE与CAB的组分比越低,其纤维形貌越好,但其比例低至5∶95时,其纤维直径变粗,分布变宽.

In this paper,polyolefin elastomer(POE)nanofibers were prepared by island melt spinning.The processing temperature range was determined by thermogravimetric analysis to avoid thermal degradation of the material.The morphology of POE nanofibers was optimized by changing the type of cellulose acetate butyrate(CAB),the ratio of POE/CAB,the processing temperature,and the shear rate.The morphological differences of nanofibers under different process parameters were analyzed,including the average diameter and diameter distribution.The results show that considering the thermal stability of CAB,the temperature of the whole processing process should be lower than 250℃,and POE nanofibers with a diameter of about 400 nm can be obtained by using CAB-20 with a melt flow rate close to that of POE.At a processing temperature of 235℃,the fiber morphology is optimal,with the smallest diameter and the narrowest distribution.At the processing temperature of 250℃,the morphology of POE nanofibers shows a cross-networked structure.The closer the twin-screw shear rate is to 400 s-1,the better the morphology,the smaller the diameter and the more concentrated the distribution of the prepared POE nanofibers.The lower the component ratio of POE to CAB,the better the fiber morphology,but when the ratio is as low as 5∶95,the fiber diameter becomes thicker and the distribution wider.


武汉纺织大学纺织纤维及制品教育部重点实验室,湖北武汉 430200东华大学化学与化工学院,上海 201620武汉纺织大学纺织科学与工程学院,湖北武汉 430200



Island spinningNanofibersThermoplastic elastomerMelt extrusion

《塑料科技》 2024 (004)

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