

Utilizing RTP crystal to generate fifth-order Stokes laser emission with 271 cm-1 Raman shift


报道了端面泵浦被动调Q激光驱动RbTiOPO4 晶体拉曼实现 271 cm-1 频移高阶斯托克斯激光输出.采用Nd:YAG与Cr4+:YAG键合设计来降低腔内的损耗,并使激光系统更紧凑,从而提升腔内光子功率密度,有利于拉曼频移向高阶斯托克斯激光转换.设计不同频移的一阶斯托克斯激光对应在不同腔内振荡,利用与基频光模式匹配的差异来抑制 687 cm-1 频移的一阶斯托克斯激光,最终获得较纯的 271 cm-1 频移的五阶斯托克斯激光输出.在泵浦功率 8.1 W下,获得了平均输出功率 230 mW的 1244 nm波长激光,对应的脉冲宽度和重复频率分别为 2.9 ns和 11.7 kHz.1 244 nm波段的激光正好与水中OH-1 吸收峰对应,在地表植被和行星水含量的检测等领域有重要的应用.

The RbTiOPO4 crystal Raman emission at high-order Stokes with 271 cm-1 shift driven by an end-pumped passively Q-switched laser was demonstrated.The Nd:YAG and Cr4+:YAG bonding design was used to reduce the intracavity loss and make the laser system compact,so as to raise the intracavity photon density,which proved helpful for the conversion of Raman shift to high-order Stokes light.The first-Stokes laser with different Raman shifts is designed to oscillate in different cavities,and the first-Stokes laser with 687 cm-1 shift is suppressed by using the difference in cavity mode matching with the fundamental laser,and the fifth-order Stokes laser with 271 cm-1 shift is obtained.Under the pump power of 8.1 W,a 1 244 nm wavelength laser with an average output power of 230 mW was obtained,and the corresponding pulse width and pulse frequency repetition were 2.9 ns and 11.7 kHz,respectively.The 1 244 nm laser wavelength perfectly matched the OH-1 absorption peak in water,which could have significant applications in fields such as surface vegetation and planetary water detection.


温州大学电气与电子工程学院,温州市微纳光电器件重点实验室,浙江温州 325035青岛海泰光电技术有限公司,山东青岛 266100



RTP crystalRaman laserpassively Q-switchedfifth-order Stokes

《强激光与粒子束》 2024 (006)

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