

Effects of Optimizing Fertilizer for Base and Raising Seedlings Fertilizer on Economic Characters and Qual-ity of Upper Leaves of Paddy-tobacco


为提高稻茬烤烟上部烟叶品质并改善其经济性状,以云烟 87 为试验材料,采用双因素试验,研究优化基肥(基肥中添加微生物菌剂)和优化提苗肥(提苗肥配施尿素)对烤烟经济性状、物理特性、化学成分、评吸质量的影响.结果表明:基肥添加微生物菌剂可提高上部烟叶产量与产值;提苗肥配施尿素做可提高上部烟叶单叶质量、叶片厚度、叶面积质量和总糖含量;基肥添加微生物菌剂和提苗肥配施尿素处理较基肥不添加微生物菌剂和单施烟草专用提苗肥的上部烟叶经济性状指数提高了 11.53%,评吸质量总分提高了 16.14%,综合效果指数提高了 9.64%.综合来看,在基肥中添加微生物菌剂,并在提苗肥中适量配施尿素,有利于提高上部烟叶产量、产值和烟叶品质.

In order to improve the quality and economic characters of the upper leaves of paddy-tobacco,with Yunyan 87 as the ex-perimental material,the two-factor experiment was conducted to study the effects of optimizing base fertilizer(adding microbial agents to base fertilizer)and optimize raising seedlings fertilizer(seedling-raising fertilizer combined with urea)on the economic characters,physical properties,chemical composition and smoking quality of flue-cured tobacco.The results showed that the yield and output value of the upper tobacco leaves were increased by adding microbial agent to base fertilizer,and single leaf quality,leaf thickness,leaf area quality and total sugar content of upper tobacco leaves were improved by applying urea as seedling-raising fertilizer.Be-tween the treatment of adding microbial agents to base fertilizer and seedling-raising fertilizer combined with urea,the economic character index of the upper leaves increased by 11.53%,the total score of smoking quality increased by 16.14%,and the compre-hensive effect index increased by 9.64%,compared with that of no microbial agent and single application of seedling-raising fertilizer for tobacco.Generally speaking,base fertilizer added microbial agent and appropriate amount of urea applied in seedling-raising fer-tilizer were beneficial to improve the yield,output value and quality of upper tobacco leaves.


湖南省烟草公司衡阳市公司,湖南 衡阳 421000浙江中烟工业有限责任公司,浙江 杭州 310008湖南农业大学 农学院,湖南 长沙 410128



paddy-tobaccoearly growth and rapid developmenteconomic charactersquality of flue-cured tobaccoupper tobacco

《天津农业科学》 2024 (004)

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