

Effects of Different Fertilization Methods on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loss in Maize Planting Areas


研究不同施肥处理方式下山东泰安地区夏玉米种植体系下氮、磷的流失规律,能够为该地区的农田种植面源污染防控提供依据和技术参考.本试验设置当地农民常规施肥处理、主因子优化施肥处理、综合优化施肥处理 3 种方式,采用自然降雨野外观测方法,分析不同施肥处理对山东泰安地区玉米种植径流淋溶氮磷流失的影响.结果表明:地表径流和降雨量密切相关.与常规处理和主因子优化处理相比,综合优化处理减少了径流水量,在监测期间,综合优化处理径流水量减少 20.75%.氮在径流和淋溶水中均以可溶态的形式存在,并且淋溶水中氮、磷的浓度高于径流.径流和淋溶水总氮、硝态氮、氨氮和总磷的平均浓度总体表现排序为常规处理>主因子优化处理>综合优化处理,主因子优化处理后,径流水中总氮浓度降低 38.58%,总磷浓度降低46.88%,淋溶水中总氮浓度降低26%,总磷浓度降低 73.07%.研究表明,综合优化处理是试验区夏季农田防控氮、磷流失和保证作物产量理想的施肥方式.

Investigating the loss patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus under different fertilization treatments in the summer maize plant-ing system in the Tai'an area of Shandong can provide a basis and technical reference for non-point source pollution prevention and control in the region's farmland.The experiment employed three fertilization treatments:local farmers'conventional fertilization,main factor optimization fertilization,and comprehensive optimization fertilization,using natural rainfall field observation methods to analyze the effects of different fertilization treatments on nitrogen and phosphorus loss in runoff and leachate in maize planting in the Tai'an area of Shandong.The results indicated that surface runoff was closely related to rainfall.Compared with conventional and main factor optimization treatments,the comprehensive optimization treatment reduced runoff volume,with a 20.75%decreased in runoff volume during the monitoring period.Nitrogen existed in a soluble form in both runoff and leachate,with higher nitrogen and phosphorus con-centrations in leachate than in runoff.Generally,the order of the average concentrations for total nitrogen,nitrate nitrogen,ammonium nitrogen,and total phosphorus in runoff and leachate was observed as follows:conventional treatment had the highest concentrations,followed by main factor optimization treatment,and the lowest concentrations were found in comprehensive optimization treatment.The main factor optimization treatment reduced total nitrogen concentration in runoff by 38.58%and total phosphorus concentration by 46.88%,while in leachate,total nitrogen concentration decreased by 26%,and total phosphorus concentration decreased by 73.07%.The study demonstrated that comprehensive optimization treatment was an ideal fertilization method to prevent nitrogen and phospho-rus loss in summer farmland and ensured crop yield in the experimental area.


东平县农业发展服务中心,山东泰安 271018山东省泰安生态环境监测中心,山东泰安 271018山东农业大学资源与环境学院,山东泰安 271018泰安川源环保设备有限公司,山东泰安 271018泰安市东平县生态环境监控和排放总量控制中心,山东泰安 271018



fertilization methodcorn plantingnitrogen and phosphorus lossnon-point source pollution

《天津农业科学》 2024 (004)

59-65 / 7

