

Application of traditional Chinese medicine constitution theory and intellection in the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases


近年来,过敏性疾病发病率在全球范围内逐年上升,世界卫生组织已将其列为当今世界重大卫生问题之一.西医寻找过敏原、抑制过敏反应的治疗方式非常被动,仅能短暂控制症状.而中医体质学重视体质在过敏反应中的主导作用,治疗"过敏人"有着较好的疗效.文章聚焦于过敏性疾病中的体质思维,基于中医体质学的基本原理,通过对比中西医对体质因素在过敏性疾病中认识及治疗异同,探讨了过敏体质内涵,总结了中医药防治过敏的 3 种体质思维及治疗策略,以期为临床防治过敏性疾病提供参考.

In recent years,the incidence of allergic diseases has been increasing year by year worldwide,and the World Health Organization has listed it as one of the major health problems in the world today.Modern medical treatments that seek out allergens and suppress allergic reactions are very passive,controlling symptoms only briefly.The constitution of traditional Chinese medicine attaches importance to the leading role of constitution in allergic reaction,and the idea of treating"allergic people"has a good effect.Based on the basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)constitution science,this paper discusses the connotation of allergic constitution by comparing the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western medicine on the understanding and treatment of constitutional factors in allergic diseases,and summarizes the three constitutional intellection and treatment strategies of TCM for the prevention and treatment of allergies,in order to provide reference for the clinical prevention and treatment of allergic diseases.


北京中医药大学国家中医体质与治未病研究院,北京 100029首都医科大学宣武医院神经科,北京 100053



allergic diseasestraditional Chinese medicine constitutiontraditionl Chinese medicine

《天津中医药》 2024 (005)

571-574 / 4


