

Establishment and identification of a hormone-responsive rat vaginal organoid model


目的:构建一种生理相关的、对激素具有反应性的大鼠阴道类器官模型.方法:取大鼠阴道组织,通过酶解、消化等方法分离获得原代大鼠阴道上皮细胞,包埋于基质胶中并使用改良类器官培养基进行3D培养.HE染色观察类器官形态特征,免疫荧光对阴道上皮特异性角蛋白和增殖相关蛋白等进一步进行表征.雌、孕激素处理验证阴道类器官对激素的反应性.结果:大鼠阴道类器官呈直径约 100μm的实心球状.HE染色显示其由多层上皮细胞构成,免疫荧光染色显示其表达的Krt5/8、Krt15、Ki67、TP63 等阴道上皮标志物,与原始阴道上皮组织一致.大鼠阴道类器官对雌激素和孕激素产生应答反应,雌激素处理后,阴道上皮终末分化标志物Krt6b、Krt13 和增殖标志物Ki67 等基因表达水平升高.结论:使用基质胶包埋,类器官培养基浸润培养的方法,成功构建一种对激素具有反应性的大鼠阴道类器官模型.

Objective:To construct a physiologically relevant rat vaginal organoid mod-el responsive to hormone.Methods:Rat vaginal tissues were isolated and disintegrated into cell suspension and coated with Matrigel,then cultured with organoid medium.HE staining and im-munofluorescence were performed to compared organoid with the original tissue in the morpho-logical characteristics and characterize keratin and proliferation marker in vaginal epithelial cells.Estrogen and progesterone treatment were performed to verify the responsiveness of or-ganoid to hormones.Results:The rat vaginal organoids were solid spheres with a diameter of a-bout 100μm.HE staining showed that it was composed of multiple layers of epithelial cells,and immunofluorescence staining showed that the expressions of vaginal epithelial markers such as Krt5/8,Krt15,Ki67 and TP63 were basically consistent with the original tissue.The mRNA lev-els of vaginal epithelial terminal differentiation markers Krt6b and Krt13 and the proliferation marker Ki67 were increased after estrogen treatment.Conclusions:A hormone responsive rat vaginal organoid model was successfully constructed using Matrigel embedding and infiltration culture method.


首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院/北京妇幼保健院,北京 100026



RatVaginaOrganoidEstablishment and identificationHormone

《现代妇产科进展》 2024 (005)

362-368 / 7

