

Research status,hot spots,and trends of health poverty researches in China:A visual quantitative analysis based on CiteSpace


目的 客观分析我国健康贫困研究的现状和热点,探讨健康贫困研究的演变趋势,以把握我国健康贫困研究的态势和方向,为后续健康贫困的相关研究提供参考依据.方法 运用CiteSpace软件绘制并呈现我国健康贫困研究领域的研究作者、合作机构、关键词等因素的可视化知识图谱.结果 健康贫困研究具有较强的政策导向性;研究作者、研究机构之间的局部交流较为频繁、合作较为密切;健康贫困研究目前已进入成熟期,研究热点的主题主要集中在健康贫困的评估与影响因素分析、健康贫困的治理效果评估及长效机制探索、健康贫困脆弱性的定义与评估、多维健康贫困的内涵界定与测度四个方面.结论 未来健康贫困研究可加强跨学科合作交流,打破学科交流界限,推动健康贫困研究视角的多学科化.

Objective To objectively analyze the research status and hot spots of health poverty resear-ches in China,and to explore the evolution of researches,in order to clarify the research trends and interests,and to provide reference for subsequent health poverty researches.Methods CiteSpace software was used to draw and present a visual knowledge map of research authors,cooperative institutions,keywords and other factors in health poverty researches in China.Results Health poverty researches had a strong policy orientation.There were fre-quent multi-institute exchanges and close cooperation among research authors and research institutions.Health poverty researches had entered a mature stage,and the research topics mainly focused on four aspects,namely,assessment and influencing factors analysis of health poverty,assessment of health poverty governance and explora-tion of the long-term mechanism,definition and assessment of the vulnerability to health poverty,and definition and measurement of multidimensional health poverty.Conclusions Future health poverty researches can strength-en interdisciplinary cooperation and exchange,break the boundaries of disciplinary exchange,and promote the multidisciplinary perspective.


南京医科大学医政学院,江苏南京 211166||山东大学公共卫生学院卫生管理与政策研究中心,山东济南 250012山东大学公共卫生学院卫生管理与政策研究中心,山东济南 250012||国家卫生健康委员会卫生经济与政策研究重点实验室(山东大学),山东济南 250012||山东大学医养健康产业研究院,山东济南 250012



Health povertyCiteSpaceVisual quantitative analysisResearch hot spotsKnowledge graph

《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2024 (004)

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