

Preliminary Screening of Soybean Varieties Suitable for Intercropping with Corn in Zibo


为了推动淄博市玉米产业健康稳定发展,调整优化种植结构,丰富多元化种植模式,实现绿色、高质、高效生产.本研究通过分析相同玉米品种与不同大豆品种间作的综合性状表现,初步筛选出适宜当地间作种植的大豆品种.结果表明,在同一气象环境条件下,间作模式下玉米大斑病、黑粉病发病等级较轻,其他性状差别不大;'荷豆23'、'荷豆12'和'齐黄34'等中早熟耐荫大豆品种生育期较其他品种短1~3 d,对点蜂缘蝽抗性强,主茎高度、节数和底荚高度适中且稳定,单株粒重较其他品种高0.53~1.72 g,产量分别较其他品种高88.81~214.59 kg/hm2.综合来看,'荷豆23'、'荷豆12'和'齐黄34'等品种适宜用于淄博地区玉米大豆间作种植.

The aim is to promote the healthy and stable development of the corn industry,adjust and optimize the corn planting structure,enrich diversified planting patterns in Zibo City,and achieve the purpose of green,high-quality and efficient production.This study analyzed the comprehensive performance of intercropping between the same corn variety and different soybean varieties,and selected suitable soybean varieties for local intercropping cultivation preliminarily.The results showed that under the same meteorological environment,the incidence of northern leaf blight and smut of maize in intercropping mode was mild,and there was little difference in other characters.The growth period of early maturing and shade tolerant soybean varieties such as'Hedou 23','Hedou 12',and'Qihuang 34'was 1-3 days shorter than other varieties.They had strong resistance to Riptortuspedestris,moderate and stable main stem height,node number,and bottom pod height.The grain weight per plant was 0.53-1.72 g higher than other varieties,and the yield was 88.81-214.59 kg/hm2 higher than other varieties.Overall,varieties such as'Hedou 23','Hedou 12',and'Qihuang 34'were suitable for intercropping of corn and soybean in Zibo region.


山东省淄博市农业科学研究院,山东淄博 255033山东滨州国家农业科技园区管理服务中心,山东滨州 256600



Zibo Citycornsoybeanintercroppingvariety

《农学学报》 2024 (004)

7-13 / 7

