

Study of Different Micronutrients on Yield and Physiological Indicators of Brassica napus



Rapeseed is the largest self-produced plant oil source in China,which is crucial for ensuring the safety of edible oil in China.However,the self-sufficiency rate of total rapeseed production is severely insufficient,so high yield and high efficiency cultivation measures are urgently needed to increase yield.Current research was mostly focused on traditional fertilizers such as nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium,with less research on micro fertilizers.This study used Brassica napus'Fanming 1'as the experimental material to measure the physiological and biochemical indicators of the entire growth period and the yield traits under different micro-fertilizer conditions,and conducted correlation analysis between them.The results showed that the activities of peroxidase and catalase in leaves at 5-6 leaf stage and superoxide dismutase in flowers at flowering stage were more than 0.8,indicating that there had a high correlation,which could be used to predict the rapeseed yield.The fertilization conditions may increase the rapeseed yield when the POD and CAT activities in the leaves during the 5-6 leaf stage and the SOD activity in the flowers during the flowering stage were greater than 0.8,and the chlorophyll content in the flowers was greater than 0.9.The results of this study provided a reference for screening suitable micronutrient fertilizers and high-yield cultivation for rapeseed growth.


湖南农业大学农学院,长沙 410128长沙金田种业有限公司,长沙 410128



rapeseedmicronutrient fertilizerperoxidasesuperoxide dismutasecatalase

《农学学报》 2024 (004)

21-25 / 5

