

Study on Acid Buffering Performance and Influencing Factors of Key pH Stage of Soil Acidification in Typical Farmland of Zhejiang Province


由中性(pH 6.5~7.5)向酸性(pH 4.5~5.5)发展是土壤酸化的关键阶段,因此土壤pH 4.5~6.5范围内土壤对酸的缓冲能力将直接影响土壤酸化的速率.从浙江省平原地区采集了48个代表性水田土壤,分析了酸化关键pH段的土壤酸缓冲性能及主要影响因素.结果表明:供试水田土壤pH 4.5~6.5间的酸缓冲容量(pH降低1个单位所需要的酸量)在8.34~41.22 mmol/(kg·pH)之间,平均为23.38 mmol/(kg·pH),由高至低分别为水网平原>滨海平原>河谷平原,水网平原和滨海平原区水田土壤的酸缓冲容量分别是河谷平原的1.60、1.17倍.相关分析表明,土壤粘粒含量和CEC是影响土壤酸缓冲容量的主要因素,缺乏粘粒含量是平原地区土壤快速酸化的主要诱因.质地较轻的土壤是平原地区农田酸化预防的重点.

The development from neutral(pH 6.5-7.5)to acidic(pH 4.5-5.5)is the key stage of soil acidification,so the buffering capacity of soil to acid in the range of pH 4.5-6.5 will directly affect the rate of soil acidification.In the study,48 representative paddy soil samples were collected from plain areas of Zhejiang Province,and the acid buffering performance and its main influencing factors of the soils in the key pH stage of acidification were characterized.The results showed that the acid buffer capacity of the paddy soils,the amount of acid needed to reduce the pH value by one unit,ranged from 8.34-41.22 mmol/(kg·pH),with an average of 23.38 mmol/(kg·pH).The capacity decreased in the order of soils in river-net plain>soils in coastal plain>soils in river valley plain.The acid buffer capacity of the paddy soils in the river-net plain and coastal plain was 1.60 and 1.17 times of that in river valley plain,respectively.Correlation analysis showed that soil clay content and CEC were the main factors affecting soil acid buffer capacity,and the lack of clay content was the main inducement of soil rapid acidification in the plain area.Low-clay soil is the focus of farmland acidification prevention in the plain area.


浙江省衢州市衢江区农业技术推广中心,浙江衢州 324022衢州市美丽乡村建设中心,浙江衢州 324000浙江大学环境与资源学院,杭州 310058



paddy soilacidificationacid buffer capacityclay

《农学学报》 2024 (004)

37-41 / 5

