

Research Progress of the Effect of Mediterranean Diet on the Correlation of Lung Cancer


肺癌是当今世界十大死因之一,它以其高死亡率令全世界深感忧愁.在现代医学研究中,研究人员正致力于深入挖掘肺癌发生和发展的不同影响因素,以降低其发病率,提高肺癌的治疗成功率,改善肺癌患者的预后.地中海饮食(Mediterranean diet,MD)是一种特殊的膳食结构,它以吃蔬菜、水果、粗粮、豆类和低脂鱼类为主,被报道具有抗炎、抗氧化、降脂等作用.近年来的研究发现,MD可能会在一定程度上预防肺癌,并对其发病和进展产生重要影响.本文旨在对相关文献进行综述,总结及分析性地探讨MD对肺癌发病及进展的影响,从而更好地为预防和治疗肺癌提供研究方向.

Lung cancer is one of the top 10 causes of death in the world today,and it is a great concern worldwide for its high mortality rate.Currently,the researchers are digging into various factors influencing the occurrence and develop-ment of lung cancer in order to increase the odds for curing lung cancer,improve the prognosis of lung cancer patients as well as reduce its morbidity.The Mediterranean diet(MD)is a special dietary structure that is based on eating vegetables,fruits,coarse grains,legumes and low-fat fish,which have anti-inflammatory,antioxidant and lipid-lowering effects.Recent studies have revealed that the MD may prevent lung cancer occurrence to some extent and inhibit its development.The purpose of this paper is to summarize and analytically discuss the effects of the MD on the oncogenesis and development of lung cancer through a review of the relevant literatures,thus to provide references for MD to prevent and treat lung cancer.


430060 武汉,武汉大学人民医院胸外科


Lung neoplasmsMediterranean dietDietHealthVegetablesFruits

《中国肺癌杂志》 2024 (004)

299-305 / 7

This paper was supported by the grants from Central University Basic Research Foundation(No.2042021kf0081)(to Ning LI)and Hubei Natural Science Foundation Innovation Group(No.2020CFA027)(to Qing GENG). 本文受中央高校基本科研专项基金(No.2042021kf0081)和湖北省自然科学基金创新群体项目(No.2020CFA027)资助

