

Status of Nutrients Abundance&Deficiency and Spatial-temporal Variability of Tobacco Planting Soil in Luliang County


为探明陆良烟区植烟土壤养分演变规律和分布状况,以烟区450份土壤样品为研究对象,运用经典统计方法、地统计学和地理信息技术分析该区域的土壤养分丰缺情况及其时空变异特征.结果表明:2008-2021年陆良县植烟土壤pH、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷磷和速效钾含量均值分别为6.01、2.64%、108.47 mg/kg、41.69 mg/kg和200.93 mg/kg,除pH中等变异外均属于强变异;且pH、有机质和碱解氮含量适宜,但需提高土壤pH、改善土壤有机质和氮肥的占比分别为37.42%、27.62%和37.64%;同时有效磷和速效钾含量丰富,且丰富和适宜范围内占比分别达到89.09%和83.07%.陆良县植烟土壤时间上整体表现为pH和有机质年份间无显著差异,但呈现降低趋势;碱解氮年份间差异显著且呈现先增加后降低趋势;有效磷和速效钾年份间差异显著且呈现先降低后增加趋势.空间上pH呈现西部低到东部适宜过渡,而北部和南部稍偏高趋势;有机质由西部向中部再向东部逐渐增加趋势;碱解氮处于90~120 mg/kg范围面积最多,有效磷位于高和很高范围内面积最大,速效钾从西部到东部逐渐升高;且pH、速效磷和速效钾的空间变异主要由人为因素等作用结果.

To investigate the evolution and distribution of soil nutrients in tobacco-growing areas,450 soil samples were collected in Luliang County.The classical statistical methods were used in combination with geostatistical and geographic information technology to analyze the abundance and deficiency and spatial-temporal variation of soil nutrients.The results showed that the average values of soil pH,organic matter,alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen,available phosphorus and available potassium of tobacco-planting soil in Luliang County were pH 6.01,2.64%,108.47 mg/kg,41.69 mg/kg and 200.93 mg/kg,respectively.Except for the medium variation of pH,other nutrients were belonged to strong variation.The contents of pH,organic matter and alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen were appropriate,but the proportions of soil pH,soil organic matter and nitrogen fertilizer needed increasing were 37.42%,27.62%and 37.64%,respectively.At the same time,the contents of available phosphorus and available potassium were rich,and the proportion of rich and suitable ranges reached 89.09%and 83.07%respectively.There were no significant differences in pH and organic matter among years,but they showed decreasing trends.There was significant difference in alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen and showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing.There were significant differences in available phosphorus and available potassium and showed tendency to decrease and later increase.The spatial distribution pattern of pH value showed a transition from low in the west to suitable in east,then slightly higher in the north and the south.Organic matter gradually increased from the west to the central and then to the east.The area of alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen in the range of 90-120 mg/kg and the available phosphorus in the high and very high range were the largest,respectively.The available potassium gradually increased from the west to the east.The spatial variation of pH,available phosphorus and available potassium were mainly caused by human factors.


曲靖市烟草公司陆良分公司,云南曲靖 655600云南农业大学烟草学院,昆明 650201



Luliang Countysoil nutrientabundance and deficiency assessmentspatial-temporal variability

《农学学报》 2024 (004)

58-65 / 8

