

Effects of Drought and Rehydration on Yield and Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution of Winter Wheat


为了探究干旱及复水条件下,冬小麦各器官干物质积累与分配的变化规律,及对产量的影响,以'济麦22'为研究对象,在拔节期(4月2日)按照正常补水量(75 mm)的100%(CK)、80%(T1)、50%(T2)、25%(T3)和0%(T4)一次性灌溉,并在开花期(4月26日)统一复水至土壤相对湿度达90%,测定2个生育期植株各器官干物质量和总干物质量,以及各处理的最终产量.结果表明,拔节期干旱胁迫会使冬小麦叶的干物质分配比降低,茎和穗的干物质分配比升高,叶鞘的干物质分配比变化不大,复水后各器官干物质分配比均能恢复到与对照一致的水平;开花后期植株的穗干物质重和干物质总重降低,T1、T2、T3、T4处理的冬小麦总干物质重相较于CK下降11.3%、16.0%、24.2%、35.0%,穗干物质重下降15.7%、20.0%、26.6%、32.0%;叶的花前干物质转运量和转运率显著降低,叶鞘和茎的花前转运率显著升高;T1、T2、T3、T4处理的冬小麦产量相较于对照分别下降16.2%、24.4%、29.4%、33.0%,穗粒数分别下降9.9%、11.6%、20.0%、23.3%,不孕穗率分别升高6.2、7.5、9.6、8.1个百分点,对千粒重和小穗数影响不大.由此可知,拔节期干旱会导致干物质向茎和穗等储藏器官分配,复水后的总干物质重和穗干物质重显著降低,干旱胁迫程度越重,变化幅度越大;拔节期的干旱胁迫导致穗粒数减少,不孕穗率显著升高,产量显著下降.

In order to determine the effects of drought and rehydration on dry matter accumulation and distribution in various organs and grain yield of winter wheat,'Jimai 22'was selected as the research object,and 100%(CK),80%(T1),50%(T2),25%(T3)and 0%(T4)of the normal water supply(75 mm)were irrigated at jointing stage(April 2),and rewatered at the flowering stage(April 26)until the soil relative humidity reached 90%.The dry matter mass and total dry matter mass of each organ of the plant in the two growth stages were measured,as well as the final yield of each treatment.The results showed that dry matter allocation ratio of winter wheat leaves decreased under drought stress at jointing stage,dry matter allocation ratio of stem and ear increased,dry matter allocation ratio of leaf sheath did not change much,and dry matter allocation ratio of all organs recovered to the same level as control after rehydration.The total dry matter weight of winter wheat treated with T1,T2,T3 and T4 decreased by 11.3%,16.0%,24.2%and 35.0%compared with CK,and the dry matter weight per spike decreased by 15.7%,20.0%,26.6%and 32.0%.The pre-flowering dry matter transport and transport rate of leaves were significantly decreased,while the pre-flowering dry matter transport rate of leaf sheath and stem was significantly increased.Compared with the control,the yield of winter wheat under T1,T2,T3 and T4 treatments decreased by 16.2%,24.4%,29.4%and 33.0%,the number of grains per spike decreased by 9.9%,11.6%,20.0%and 23.3%,and the sterile spike rate increased by 6.2,7.5,9.6 and 8.1 percentage points,respectively.It had little effect on 1000-grain weight and spikelet number.In conclusion,drought at jointing stage leads to dry matter distribution to storage organs such as stems and panicle,and the total dry matter weight and panicle dry matter weight decreased significantly after rehydration,and the greater the degree of drought stress,the greater the range of change.Drought stress at jointing stage resulted in the decrease of panicle number,the increase of sterile panicle rate and the decrease of yield.


泰安市农业科学院,山东泰安 271000泰安市农业气象试验站,山东泰安 271000山东省气候中心,济南 250000南京信息工程大学,南京 210044



drought stressrehydrationdry matter transportwater utilizationdry matter distributionjointing stage

《农学学报》 2024 (005)

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