

Analysis of Causes of Persistent Strong Convective Weather in Guanzhong Region and Its Impact on Agriculture


为探讨关中地区罕见持续性强对流天气的成因和发生机理,客观分析此次过程对农业的影响情况.利用中国新一代全球大气/陆面再分析产品,常规高空、地面观测以及人工观测冰雹等资料,对2021年7月一次罕见持续性强天气的天气形势、水汽通量散度、假相当位温和环境参量以及影响农业生产的气象干旱指数、风雹对经济林果撞击深度等进行定量化客观分析.结果表明:此次关中地区持续性强对流天气受大气长波调整影响,前期以高空冷平流强迫类配置为主,后期属低层暖平流强迫类;低层偏东气流输送、副高外围西南暖湿气流、明显的水汽辐合和假相当位温密集区扩大造成显著的位势不稳定,是强对流天气发生的有利水汽和热力条件.较大对流有效位能、不稳定层结、垂直风切变增加和适当特殊层高度是强对流天气发生的有利潜势.强对流天气发生为旱情缓解和有效改善土壤墒情做出了积极贡献,但局地强降水和大风冰雹天气导致关中部分农作物倒伏,农田出现积水或土壤过湿现象,不利于玉米、猕猴桃等浅根系作物根部呼吸和养分输送,影响植株正常生长.关中地区多种经济林果出现0.07~0.32 cm的撞击深度,并出现脱落受损现象.研究结果为进一步加强农业气象服务和防灾减灾提供可靠依据.

The study aims to explore the causes and mechanisms of the occurrence of rare persistent strong convective weather in Guanzhong region and objectively analyze the impact of this process on agriculture.In this paper,the weather situation,water vapor flux dispersion,pseudo-equivalent temperature and environmental parameters of a rare persistent strong weather in July 2021,as well as the meteorological drought index affecting agricultural production and the impact depth of wind and hail on economic forestry and fruits were quantified and objectively analyzed using the new generation of Chinese global atmospheric/land surface reanalysis products,data of conventional high-altitude and ground-based observations,and artificial observation of hail.The results showed that the persistent strong convective weather in Guanzhong region was influenced by the atmospheric long-wave adjustment,with the high altitude cold advection forcing class configuration in the early stage and the low-level warm advection forcing class in the later stage;the transport of low-level easterly airflow,southwest warm and humid airflow at the periphery of the substratum,obvious water vapor convergence and the expansion of the pseudo-equivalent potential temperature dense area and the increase of intensity caused obvious potential instability to provide good water vapor and thermal conditions for the occurrence of strong convective weather at this time.Larger convective effective potential energy,unstable stratification,increased vertical wind shear and appropriate special layer height were favorable potential for the occurrence of strong convective weather.The occurrence of strong convective weather made a positive contribution to drought relief and effective improvement of soil moisture,but local heavy precipitation and windy hail weather caused lodging of some crops and waterlogging or excessive soil wetness in farmland in Guanzhong,which was not conducive to root respiration and nutrient transport of shallow-rooted crops such as corn and kiwi,affecting normal plant growth.A variety of economic forest fruits in the Guanzhong area showed an impact depth of 0.07-0.32 cm and were damaged by shedding.The research results provided the reliable basis for further strengthening agricultural meteorological services and disaster prevention and reduction.


咸阳市气象局,陕西咸阳 712000||陕西省气象局秦岭和黄土高原生态环境气象重点实验室,西安 710016



persistent strong convectionwater vaporthermalsoundingagricultural impact

《农学学报》 2024 (005)

67-74 / 8

