

Bioinformatics analysis and tissue expression detection of Chinese alligator CXCL8 gene


为进一步了解扬子鳄CXCL8 的功能及在痛风症发病过程中的作用,从扬子鳄肝组织中克隆出CXCL8 基因,进行相关生物信息分析、序列比对和进化树绘制;构建原核表达载体表达CXCL8 蛋白,制备并得到小鼠抗扬子鳄CXCL8 多克隆抗体;对不同时期扬子鳄组织中CXCL8 的转录水平进行检测与分析.研究结果表明,扬子鳄CXCL8 基因ORF序列长度为 291 bp,共编码 96 个氨基酸,蛋白分子质量为 10.67 ku.序列比对和进化树结果显示,扬子鳄CXCL8 基因与密西西比鳄的同源性高达 95%,具有很强的亲缘关系,处于同一进化分支.制备得到的多克隆抗体效价高达 1 ∶102 400,免疫原性良好,CXCL8 在肾和小肠组织中呈现高表达,且冬眠末期表达量高于冬眠初期,表达量测定结果与扬子鳄痛风症高发期存在一定的相似性.本研究结果为深入了解扬子鳄CXCL8 基因对痛风症的调控机制奠定了基础,为扬子鳄痛风症的发病机制提供了新见解.

In order to further understand the function of CXCL8 in Chinese alligator and its role in the pathogenesis of gout,CXCL8 gene was cloned from the liver tissue of Chinese alligator,bioinforma-tics analysis,homology analysis and evolutionary tree construction were performed.A prokaryotic ex-pression vector was constructed to express CXCL8 protein,and then mouse anti-Chinese alligator CXCL8 polyclonal antibody was prepared.The transcriptional levels of CXCL8 in Chinese alligator at diffe-rent periods were measured and analyzed.The results showed that the length of ORF sequence of CXCL8 gene was 291 bp,encoding 96 amino acids and molecular weight was 10.67 ku.The results of homology anal-ysis and phylogenetic tree construction showed that CXCL8 gene of Chinese alligator had 95%homology with Alligator mississippiensis,had a strong affinity and was located in the same branch of the phylo-genetic tree.The prepared polyclonal antibody had a titer of 1 ∶102 400 and good immunogenicity.CXCL8 expression was highest in kidney and small intestine,and was higher at the end of hibernation than that at the beginning of hibernation.The expression results were similar to those in the high incidence pe-riod of alligator gout.The results laid a foundation for further understanding of the regulatory mech-anism of CXCL8 gene in Chinese alligator on gout,and provided new insights into the pathogenesis of Chinese alligator gout.


南京农业大学 农业农村部动物细菌学重点实验室,江苏 南京 210095安徽省扬子鳄繁殖研究中心 安徽省扬子鳄人工繁育与保护国家长期科研基地,安徽 宣城 242034



Chinese alligatorCXCL8sequence analysisprokaryotic expressionpolyclonal antibody

《中国兽医科学》 2024 (005)

641-649 / 9


