

Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes Affecting Meat Quality Traits in Pigs Using Integrated Transcriptome Sequencing Data


[目的]整合中国地方猪和瘦肉型猪的转录组测序数据,鉴定中国地方猪和瘦肉型猪背最长肌组织中的差异表达基因(DEGs),找出导致二者肉质性状差异的潜在候选基因,以期为猪肉品质研究提供参考.[方法]整合自测数据以及NCBI-SRA数据库下载的中国地方猪和瘦肉型猪的原始测序数据,包括8个中国地方猪品种的32个样本和2个瘦肉型猪品种的14个样本,对数据进行过滤、质控、比对、统计后使用R语言DEseq2包筛选差异表达基因,并进行基因富集及蛋白互作(PPI)分析.[结果]通过差异表达分析共鉴定出191个差异表达基因,其中中国地方猪相较于瘦肉型猪有149个基因表达上调,42个基因表达下调.通过基因富集分析得到9条显著富集通路,差异表达基因可能通过调控脂肪沉积和代谢、糖代谢、胰岛素生成、能量代谢、色素沉积等过程影响肉质性状.通过PPI分析鉴定出21个在调控网络中发挥重要作用的基因,其中FABP3、SLC38A4、KIT、LDHB基因处于PPI网络的核心位置.[结论]试验鉴定出 FABP3、CTSL、PLIN5、SLC38A4、KIT、APPL1、IDNK、LDHB、ND6、SLC39A8、GPR27、KCNJ13等基因与中国地方猪和瘦肉型猪肉质性状差异有关,直接或间接地调控了肉质性状.研究结果为新基因的挖掘及调控猪肉质性状基因的探究提供了理论依据.

[Objective]The aim of this study was to analyze the integrated transcriptome sequencing data of Chinese indigenous pigs and lean pigs,identify the differentially expressed genes(DEGs)in longissimus dorsi muscle,and find out the potential candidate genes that contributed to the differences in meat quality traits between Chinese indigenous pigs and lean pigs,in order to provide a references for meat quality research in pigs.[Method]The raw sequencing data of Chinese indigenous pigs and lean pigs were downloaded from the NCBI-SRA database and self-test data were integrated,including 32 samples from 8 Chinese indigenous pig breeds and 14 samples from 2 lean pig breeds,and the data were filtered,quality controlled,compared and counted,the DEGs were screened using DESeq2 software in R and subjected to gene enrichment analysis as well as protein-protein interaction(PPI)analysis.[Result]In the results of differential expression analysis,there were 191 DEGs in Chinese indigenous pigs compared with lean pigs,of which 149 were highly expressed and 42 were lowly expressed.Nine significantly enriched pathways were obtained through gene enrichment analysis,and the DEGs might affect meat quality traits by regulating fat deposition and metabolism,glucose metabolism,insulin production,energy metabolism,pigmentation and other processes.The PPI analysis identified 21 genes that played an important role in the regulatory network,which FABP3,SLC38A4,KIT and LDHB genes were at the core of the PPI network.[Conclusion]The experiment identified that genes such as FABP3,CTSL,PLIN5,SLC38A4,KIT,APPL1,IDNK,LDHB ND6,SLC39A8,GPR27 and KCNJ13 were related to the differences of meat quality traits in Chinese indigenous pigs and lean pigs,which directly or indirectly regulated meat quality traits.The results provided a theoretical basis for the excavation of new genes as well as the study on genes of regulating meat quality traits in pigs.


北京农学院动物科学技术学院,北京 100096北京农学院动物科学技术学院,北京 100096||中国农业大学动物科学技术学院,北京 100193



pigstranscriptomedifferentially expressed genesgene enrichment

《中国畜牧兽医》 2024 (005)

1947-1957 / 11


