

Requirements for biological samples and challenges to ethical review under the Measures of Ethical Review of Life Sciences and Medical Research Involving Humans



Regarding biological samples,compared to the Measures of Ethical Review of Biomedical Research Involving Humans,the newly released Measures of Ethical Review of Life Science and Medical Research Involving Humans updated the definitions,clarified the scope,defined the responsibilities of the subject,as well as emphasized the management system,ethical review,and informed consent.By comparing and analyzing the current management status of biological samples at home and abroad,it was found that there were still many problems in the management and ethical review of biological samples in China,such as a chaotic management system of biological samples,unclear responsible entities for management,lack of widely recognized management standards of biological samples in the industry,absence of ethics committee,the non-standard ethical review,the inadequacy or inability to implement informed consent,and the difficulty in providing feedback on research results.Therefore,it is recommended to establish a standardized management system of biological samples,conduct a standardized and effective ethical review,as well as sufficient and necessary informed consent,in order to comply with the requirements of the Measures of Ethical Review of Life Science and Medical Research Involving Humans on biological samples,and enhancing the quality of the management of biological samples in China.


四川省肿瘤医院/电子科技大学附属肿瘤医院伦理委员会办公室,四川 成都 610041陆军军医大学第二附属医院临床医学研究中心,重庆 400037


biological samplesethical reviewinformed consent

《中国医学伦理学》 2024 (004)

384-391 / 8


