首页|期刊导航|Neural Regeneration Research|Non-coding RNAs in acute ischemic stroke:from brain to periphery

Non-coding RNAs in acute ischemic stroke:from brain to peripheryOA


Acute ischemic stroke is a clinical emergency and a condition with high morbidity,mortality,and disability.Accurate predictive,diagnostic,and prognostic biomarkers and effective therapeutic targets for acute ischemic stroke remain undetermined.With innovations in high-throughput gene sequencing analysis,many aberrantly expressed non-coding RNAs(ncRNAs)in the brain and peripheral blood after acute ischemic stroke have been found in clinical samples and experimental models.Differentially expressed ncRNAs in the post-stroke brain were demonstrated to play vital roles in pathological processes,leading to neuroprotection or deterioration,thus ncRNAs can serve as therapeutic targets in acute ischemic stroke.Moreover,distinctly expressed ncRNAs in the peripheral blood can be used as biomarkers for acute ischemic stroke prediction,diagnosis,and prognosis.In particular,ncRNAs in peripheral immune cells were recently shown to be involved in the peripheral and brain immune response after acute ischemic stroke.In this review,we consolidate the latest progress of research into the roles of ncRNAs(microRNAs,long ncRNAs,and circular RNAs)in the pathological processes of acute ischemic stroke–induced brain damage,as well as the potential of these ncRNAs to act as biomarkers for acute ischemic stroke prediction,diagnosis,and prognosis.Findings from this review will provide novel ideas for the clinical application of ncRNAs in acute ischemic stroke.

Shuo Li;Zhaohan Xu;Shiyao Zhang;Huiling Sun;Xiaodan Qin;Lin Zhu;Teng Jiang;Junshan Zhou;Fuling Yan;Qiwen Deng;

Department of Neurology,Nanjing First Hospital,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing,Jiangsu Province,ChinaDepartment of Neurology,Zhongda Hospital,School of Medicine,Southeast University,Nanjing,Jiangsu Province,ChinaGeneral Clinical Research Center,Nanjing First Hospital,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing,Jiangsu Province,China


acute ischemic strokeapoptosisblood–brain barrier damagecircular RNAsexcitatory toxicitylong non-coding RNAsmicroRNAsneuroinflammationnon-coding RNAsoxidative stress

《Neural Regeneration Research》 2025 (001)

P.116-129 / 14

supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Nos.82301486(to SL)and 82071325(to FY);Medjaden Academy&Research Foundation for Young Scientists,No.MJR202310040(to SL);Nanjing Medical University Science and Technique Development Foundation Project,No.NMUB20220060(to SL);Medical Scientific Research Project of Jiangsu Commission of Health,No.ZDA2020019(to JZ);and Health China Buchang Zhiyuan Public Welfare Project for Heart and Brain Health,No.HIGHER202102(to QD).

