首页|期刊导航|Neural Regeneration Research|Drosophila models used to simulate human ATP1A1 gene mutations that cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2 disease and refractory seizures

Drosophila models used to simulate human ATP1A1 gene mutations that cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2 disease and refractory seizuresOA


Certain amino acids changes in the human Na^(+)/K^(+)-ATPase pump,ATPase Na^(+)/K^(+)transporting subunit alpha 1(ATP1A1),cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2(CMT2)disease and refractory seizures.To develop in vivo models to study the role of Na^(+)/K^(+)-ATPase in these diseases,we modified the Drosophila gene homolog,Atpα,to mimic the human ATP1A1 gene mutations that cause CMT2.Mutations located within the helical linker region of human ATP1A1(I592T,A597T,P600T,and D601F)were simultaneously introduced into endogenous Drosophila Atpαby CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing,generating the Atpα^(TTTF)model.In addition,the same strategy was used to generate the corresponding single point mutations in flies(Atpα^(I571T),Atpα^(A576T),Atpα^(P579T),and Atpα^(D580F)).Moreover,a deletion mutation(Atpα^(mut))that causes premature termination of translation was generated as a positive control.Of these alleles,we found two that could be maintained as homozygotes(Atpα^(I571T)and Atpα^(P579T)).Three alleles(Atpα^(A576T),Atpα^(P579)and Atpα^(D580F))can form heterozygotes with the Atpαmut allele.We found that the Atpαallele carrying these CMT2-associated mutations showed differential phenotypes in Drosophila.Flies heterozygous for Atpα^(TTTF)mutations have motor performance defects,a reduced lifespan,seizures,and an abnormal neuronal morphology.These Drosophila models will provide a new platform for studying the function and regulation of the sodium-potassium pump.

Yao Yuan;Lingqi Yu;Xudong Zhuang;Dongjing Wen;Jin He;Jingmei Hong;Jiayu Xie;Shengan Ling;Xiaoyue Du;Wenfeng Chen;Xinrui Wang;

Institute of Life Sciences,College of Biological Science and Engineering,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou,Fujian Province,ChinaNHC Key Laboratory of Technical Evaluation of Fertility Regulation for Non-human Primate(Fujian Maternity and Child Health Hospital),Fuzhou,Fujian Province,China Medical Research Center,Fujian Maternity and Child Health Hospital,College of Clinical Medicine for Obstetrics&Gynecology and Pediatrics,Fujian Medical University,Fuzhou,Fujian Province,ChinaDepartment of Neurology and Institute of Neurology of The First Affiliated Hospital,Institute of Neuroscience,and Fujian Key Laboratory of Molecular Neurology,Fujian Medical University,Fuzhou,Fujian Province,China


ATP1A1Atpαbang-sensitive paralysisCharcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2CRISPR/Cas9homology-directed repairNa^(+)/K^(+)-ATPasepoint mutationseizuressodium pump

《Neural Regeneration Research》 2025 (001)

P.265-276 / 12

supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province,No.2020J02027;the National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.31970461;and the Foundation of NHC Key Laboratory of Technical Evaluation of Fertility Regulation for Non-human Primate,Fujian Maternity and Child Health Hospital,No.2022-NHP-05(all to WC).

