

Study on the placement process of CF/PEEK composite laminates based on laser heating


面向热塑性复合材料的高质量成型需求,设计搭建了基于光纤激光加热的CF/PEEK铺放平台,制备了复合材料层合板构件.基于铺放平台的设备参数(激光功率、铺放速度、铺放压力),通过单因素参数分析和多因素正交试验参数分析,结合层间剪切强度测量以及微观形貌显微观测,探究了层合板成型过程中温度、压力两个工艺参数对CF/PEEK层合板力学性能的影响规律.试验结果表明:在试验范围内,层间剪切强度随着铺放温度与压力的增大,呈现出先增大后减小的现象.成型过程中,铺放温度与铺放压力两个工艺参数对层合板层间剪切强度影响程度并不相同,铺放温度的影响更大.试验中制备CF/PEEK层合板的最优工艺参数组合如下:铺放压力为0.2 MPa,铺放温度为402.6 ℃.

For high quality manufacturing of thermoplastic composites,the CF/PEEK placement platform based on fiber laser heating was designed and built.And the composite laminates were prepared.Then based on the equip-ment parameters of the placement platform(laser power,placement speed,placement pressure),the experimental analysis of univariate parameters and multivariate orthogonal parameters were performed.Meanwhile,the interlaminar shear strength(ILSS)was measured and the micromorphology was observed.The influence of process parameters of temperature and pressure on the mechanical properties of CF/PEEK laminate was investigated.The experimental re-sults show that ILSS first increases and then decreases with increasing temperature and pressure within the experi-mental range.The influences of two process parameters(temperature and pressure)on the ILSS of laminates are dif-ferent and the effect of the placement temperature is greater than the placement pressure during the manufacturing process.The optimal process parameters for preparation of CF/PEEK laminatesin the experiment are placement pres-sure of 0.2 MPa,placement temperature of 402.6 ℃.


大连理工大学机械工程学院,大连 116024


thermoplastic compositeslaser heatingprocess parametersplacement manufacturing

《复合材料科学与工程》 2024 (004)

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