Partitioning Strategy for Power System Containing New Energy Based on Systematic Clustering Method
为实现含新能源电力系统的惯量分布特性的有效评估,提出一种基于系统聚类法的含新能源电力系统分区策略.首先分析新能源机组惯量与同步机组惯量之间的差异;其次构建节点惯量响应模型,分析节点惯量相关因素的特性;然后通过主成分分析对影响节点惯量的主导变量进行降维,将降维后的变量应用系统聚类法对节点进行聚类分区;最后通过系统辨识得到区域惯量,评判出整个系统惯量的空间分布.在仿真软件中搭建改进的IEEE 10 机39 节点模型验证了分区策略的合理性.
To effectively evaluate the inertia distribution characteristics of a power system containing new energy,a par-titioning strategy based on the systematic clustering method is proposed.First,the difference between the inertia of the new energy unit and that of the synchronous unit is analyzed.Second,a node inertia response model is constructed to analyze the characteristics of factors related to the node inertia.Third,the principal component analysis method is used to reduce the dimension of dominant variables that affect the node inertia.After the dimensionality reduction,the sys-tematic clustering method is applied to cluster and partition the nodes.Finally,the regional inertia is obtained by sys-tem identification,and the spatial distribution of the inertia of the whole system is evaluated.An improved IEEE 10-ma-chine 39-node model is built in the simulation software,and results verify the rationality of the proposed partitioning strategy.
安徽省新能源利用与节能省级实验室(合肥工业大学),合肥 230009安徽省新能源利用与节能省级实验室(合肥工业大学),合肥 230009安徽省新能源利用与节能省级实验室(合肥工业大学),合肥 230009||新能源与储能运行控制国家重点实验室(中国电力科学研究院),北京 100192国网安徽省电力有限公司,合肥 230062
systematic clustering methodnew energy power systeminertia partitionsystem identification
《电力系统及其自动化学报》 2024 (5)