

Power Cable Partial Discharge Pattern Recognition Based on Topological Data Analysis for Time Series


在电力电缆局部放电(PD)模式识别时,相位图谱以及统计特征往往因区分度不足而影响识别精度.为此,提出了一种基于时序拓扑数据分析(TDA)的局放特征提取和识别方法.首先,提出一种符号熵和粒子群优化(PSO)相结合的重构参数选择方法,将预处理后的局放时域信号进行相空间重构,并生成三维局放数据点云;然后,基于TDA方法提取持续同调特征,据此生成持续散点图及持续条形码,计算并可视化表达为贝蒂曲线;最后,将贝蒂曲线输入 1D-CNN模型,对 4种典型局放缺陷模式进行识别并开展对比实验.实验结果表明,该方法对相空间重构时延参数的选取更加准确,且TDA特征具备良好的区分度,相比其他以相位图谱及统计特征为输入的模型,该方法整体识别准确率最高可提升15.34%,达到98.55%.

In the partial discharge(PD)patterns recognition of power cables,phase resolved partial discharge and statistical features often affect recognition accuracy due to insufficient discrimination.Therefore,a method based on time series topology data analysis(TDA)for feature extraction and recognition of PD is proposed.Firstly,a method combining symbolic entropy and Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO)for the selection of reconstruction parameters is proposed.The pre-processed PD signal in time-domain is reconstructed in phase space to generate a three-dimensional PD data point cloud.Secondly,based on the TDA method,persistent homology features are extracted to generate persistence diagram and persistence barcodes,which are calculated and visually expressed as Betty curve.Finally,the Betty curve is employed as the input of 1D-CNN model for recognition.The experimental results show that the proposed method is more accurate in the selection of the time-delay parameter for phase space reconstruction,and the TDA features achieve good discriminability.Compared with other models that use phase spectrograms and statistical features as inputs,the overall recognition accuracy can be improved by up to 15.34%,reaching 98.55%.


河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院,焦作 454003||许继电气股份有限公司,许昌 461000河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院,焦作 454003



partial dischargepattern recognitionphase space reconstructiontopological data analysisconvolutional neural network

《电子科技大学学报》 2024 (003)

440-446 / 7


