

Compensation Mechanism for Reservoir Inundation of High Water Level Operation of Reservoir



Reservoir is an important infrastructure for the construction of flood control engineering system,and is also the engineering foundation of flood control operation.In the flood season,the reservoir plays the role of flood blocking and peak elimination to the maximum extent,controls the discharge flow,and ensures the the safety of the downstream river channel during flood season.But it will also increase the flooded area of the reservoir area,which will bring a series of social problems.In this paper,the general situation of high water storage in Henan reservoir is introduced in detail,and the particularity of the impact of operation inundation is analyzed.The crux of the problem is identified,the long-term working mechanism is established,and the specific operation procedure is given.It provides theoretical support for the decision of relevant flood control and drought relief departments in Henan Province.


河南省水旱灾害防御中心,河南 郑州 450018河南省水文水资源中心,河南 郑州 450000



reservoirhigh water levelfloodcompensationresearchmechanism

《河南水利与南水北调》 2024 (004)

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