

Application of Large Sscale Pipeline Irrigation System in Northwest China


单一超过200 hm2的灌溉系统即可界定为大系统.水源位置选定,通常以满足最不利区域最小工作压力要求为前提选取.调蓄池按一次灌水定额进行计算的,调蓄池容积在2万~5万m3,按一个灌溉季节进行计算的,每667 hm2需要调蓄容积40万~50万 m3.管网布置平原区1 hm2土地管道长度宜控制在120~150 m.山丘区灌区1 hm2土地管道长度宜控制在195~225 m.系统流量计算按面积1 333 hm2以下采用微灌工程技术规范给出的公式进行计算,面积1 333 hm2以上采用灌水率法计算;管道是否减压,采用何种减压方式,主要取决于管网的工作压力、具体所选管材的压力等级.

A single irrigation system exceeding 200 hm2 can be defined as a large system.The selection of water source location usually takes meeting the minimum working pressure requirements of the most unfavorable area as a prerequisite.The storage pond is calculated based on a one-time irrigation quota,with a volume ranging from 20000 to 50000 cubic meters.For one irrigation season,every 667 hectares require a storage volume of 400000 to 500000 cubic meters.For pipeline layout,the length of pipeline per hectare in plain areas should be controlled at 120 to 150 meters,while in hilly areas,it should be controlled at 195 to 225 meters.System flow calculation is based on the formula given in the micro-irrigation engineering technical specifications for areas of 1,333 hectares or less,and the method of irrigation rate is used for areas above 1,333 hectares.Whether the pipeline is depressurized and the type of depressurization method used mainly depends on the working pressure of the pipeline network and the specific pressure level of the selected pipe material.


灵宝市窄口水务管理局,河南 灵宝 472500



Llarge systemstorage tankgravity flowdepressurize

《河南水利与南水北调》 2024 (004)

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