

PBX Crack Pixel Level Recognition Method based on Deep Learning


高聚物粘结炸药(Polymer Bonded Explosive,PBX)内部裂纹对其性能及可靠性具有明显影响,裂纹的精确识别是PBX内部质量检测的关键.针对PBX内部裂纹识别,基于U-Net和SegNet两种像素级图像识别网络,建立了5种深度学习网络,对比研究了网络连接方式和预训练模型对裂纹识别的影响.基于CT获取的PBX裂纹图建立了数据集,对5种网络进行了训练,采用准确率(A)、F1值(F1)和平均交并比(MIoU)指标对网络进行了评估,在此基础上选择细节识别性能最优的网络用于PBX裂纹的识别和量化分析.结果表明,针对裂纹像素级识别,U-Net型网络优于Seg-Net型网络,网络中Concatenate操作比Pooling Indices操作保留更多图像细节信息,采用预训练模型MobileNet和ResNet可以提高网络训练速度,但导致其裂纹像素级识别性能降低.利用建立的识别方法开展PBX裂纹识别研究,实现了对PBX裂纹的像素级识别,裂纹检出率0.9570,单像素识别准确率为0.9936,MIoU为0.9873,相对裂纹面积为0.7585.

The performance and dependability of PBX are significantly impacted by internal cracks.Accurate crack identification and quantitative analysis are crucial to evaluate the performance of PBX.Currently,the ability to identify and quantitatively ana-lyze internal cracks of PBX needs to be further improved.Consequently,research on a deep learning-based method for PBX crack identification was conducted.Based on the popular deep learning networks,five different deep learning network structures were designed.This study aimed to compare the effects of network type,connection style,and pre-trained models on the recog-nition of PBX cracks.Internal crack images of PBX were obtained by CT technique.The training dataset of network was construct-ed using these crack images.The crack dataset was used to train five different types of networks.The performance of five net-works was assessed based on Accuracy,F1,and MIoU.Select an outstanding network for PBX crack recognition and training based on the findings.The results indicate that,U-Net outperforms Seg-Net in pixel-level crack recognition and the Concatenate operation preserves more features compared to the Pooling Indices method.The pre-trained model(MobileNet and ResNet)can improve the training speed of the network,but its crack pixel-level recognition performance is reduced.The proposed method was applied to identify PBX crack,achieving pixel-level recognition.The results include a crack detection rate of 0.9570,a sin-gle pixel recognition accuracy of 0.9936,an MIoU of 0.9873,and a relative crack area of 0.7585,demonstrating superiority over traditional image segmentation methods.


中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所,四川 绵阳 621999||兰州大学核科学与技术学院,甘肃 兰州 730000中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所,四川 绵阳 621999兰州大学核科学与技术学院,甘肃 兰州 730000



PBXCT imagesdeep learningpixel level crack recognition

《含能材料》 2024 (005)

545-553 / 9

国家自然科学基金资助(12105267) National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.12105267)

